Geochronology and geochemistry of magmatic rocks in the Dongzi-Changhanboluo Pb-Zn ore district in C

来源 :地球化学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianyibian
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Bulk-rock elements,isotopes,and zircon U-Pb ages are reported for magmatic rocks in the Dongzi-Changhanboluo Pb-Zn ore district in Chifeng,Inner Mongolia,China.Zircon U-Pb dating identified four stages of magmatism: Late Silurian gabbroic diorite (~ 420 Ma),Middle Permian monzonite (~ 274 Ma),Late Jurassic quartz porphyry and ignimbrite,breccia tuff (153-158 Ma) and Early Cretaceous andesitic porphyrite (~ 127 Ma).Integrating field observations,geochronology,and element and isotope geochemistry indicated a complex petrogenetic history of the magmatic rocks.The gabbroic diorite may have been sourced from EM1-type mantle.The source of the monzonite may have been mantle metasomatized by melt from the subducting plate.The Jurassic volcaniclastic rocks formed in a medium-pressure,high-temperature environment,possibly in the background of crustal thickening in a syncoIlisional stage and an early postcollisional stage.During this process,shaly sedimentary rocks were brought into the deep crust and heated,followed by the rapid isostatic uplift of the crust,which caused partial melting of the sedimentary rocks.Quartz monzonite porphyry and quartz porphyry formed by partial melting of mantle metasomatized by subducted sediments,but the quartz porphyry experienced high-degree differentiation and evolution.The andesitic porphyrite has characteristics similar to those of Permian monzonite,indicating that its source area was also the zone of mantle metasomatized by subducted sediment.The late Silurian and Permian magmatic rocks in this area most likely formed against a continental arc background related to the subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean Plate beneath the North China Plate.The Late Jurassic magmatic rocks suggest that the northern margin of the North China Craton may have been in a postcollisional setting during the Late Jurassic,with no obvious crustal thinning.The Cretaceous andesitic porphyrite may have formed against the background of lithospheric extension and thinning.According to the comprehensive analysis of geological characteristics,diagenetic and metallogenic epochs,and Pb isotope data,the formation of ore bodies in the Dongzi-Changhanboluo ore district was closely related to the Jurassic quartz porphyry.
“亲爱的子民们,今天,我怀着无比沉痛的心情……”收音机、广播、电视同时响起这样一个声音。他,是现任地球上的最高统治者——地球球长。全地球一下子安静下来,听他的下文:“我宣布一个可怕的消息:50亿年一遇的巨型星体明天将撞击我们的星球了……简单地说,明天便是世界末日了……”  “球长,您怎么了……”他昏厥了,全地球开始尖叫,抽搐!小孩、老人,抱头痛哭,一些妇女发出恐怖的叫声,男人们脸上突起的青筋使脸部
暑假,我参加了由学校组织的“读书走天下”旅游活动。在行程的最后一天,我们来到了风景秀丽的楠溪江。  哇,好清澈的江水啊!在蓝天白云下,楠溪江像一条蓝色的丝带环绕着崇山峻岭。下车后,我们直奔竹筏漂流。早就听说楠溪江竹筏漂流惊险刺激,我和其他4名同学兴冲冲地跳上了竹筏。我坐在最前排的一把小椅子上,撑竹筏的那位船夫正对着我,他的皮肤黝黑,又瘦又高,脸上写满了岁月的痕迹。  “开始漂流了。”船夫回头对我们
坐落在湖南省张家界索溪峪东面的黄龙洞是世界自然遗产,更是武陵源风景区的精华景点。  一走进黄龙洞,里面的石柱、石笋、石钟乳、石幔、石花、石瀑迎面而来,在灯光的照耀下,显得色彩斑斓,这些琳琅满目的“石雕艺术品”,仿佛把我带到了一个童话般的想象世界,又好似让我走进了一个宏伟精美的艺术长廊,叫人浮想联翩!  正当我对着这“石雕世界”发呆时,突然听到了一阵“哗哗”的流水声。原来这里一条响水河,它是黄龙洞第
【摘要】写话习作能力是语文学科核心素养之一,但是就目前来看,小学生语文写话习作能力还是处于弱势。因此利用好部编新教材,采取一定措施提升学生的写话习作能力,为今后更好地进行写话习作打下扎实的基础势在必行。本文将围绕小学语文部编教材写话习作的教学实践研究展开讨论。  【关键词】语文;写话习作;部编教材;教学实践  【中图分类号】G623 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】167
奶奶将近40个后辈中,只有三个孙子,我是最小的一个,奶奶对我自然是宝贝得不得了。  小时候,我跟着奶奶在乡下生活,这里有许多让我值得回忆的往事,但令我记忆最深的是一次被狗咬的事。  那时候的我,常常光着脚满山乱跑。  有一次,我无意中跑进一户陌生人家的院子。这时,一只被拴着的狼狗朝着我狂吠,可能是“初生牛犊不怕虎”的缘故吧,我居然也趴下与那只狗对叫,更离谱的是——当时我竟然还跑近那只狗要打它!  
“哎,师傅,我有事向你汇报……”  “嗨,师傅……”  “师傅……”  哎呀,这三个徒弟又“神兵天降”似的,“唰”地出现在我面前。你一定感到很奇怪吧,我小小年纪哪来三个徒弟?嘿嘿,实话告诉你:最近,我们老师提倡“师徒结对”,本人十分荣幸地被选中当上了“师傅”,收了三个徒弟,成立了一个“学习无敌派”。  大徒弟,小A,号称“孙大圣”。  说起这个小A啊,她可真让我又是头疼又是高兴。头疼的是,她虽不像
Based on NCEP/NCAR daily reanalysis and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission data, the back- ground atmospheric circulation and the characteristics of meteor