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高中物理课程是我国人才培养的重要构成部分,高中物理教学中涉及的内容非常多,学生在很短的时间内要接受大量的知识,所以,教学效果的完善至关重要。完善高中物理教学中对学生解题能力的培养,可以提高学生的学习能力。本文对高中物理教学中学生的解题能力培养进行分析。 High school physics curriculum is an important part of our country’s talent cultivation. There are a lot of contents involved in high school physics teaching. Students should receive a large amount of knowledge in a short period of time. Therefore, improving the teaching effect is very important. Perfecting the training of students ’ability to solve problems in high school physics teaching can improve students’ ability to learn. This article analyzes the cultivation of students’ problem-solving abilities in high school physics teaching.
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