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提起参谋,人们总不会忘记诸葛亮怎样扶助刘备建功立业,也会想起我军作战史上那些功勋卓著的将帅们.而今在企业管理界,也有人们所向往的参谋队伍,其中就包括我们的财会人员. 张炳勋,济南化工厂主任会计师.这位64岁的老同志,党的十一届三中全会以来,为企业管理出谋献策,做了不少工作.当我带着要了解他的愿望来到济南化工厂时,这个厂的党委书记首先接待了我. “张炳勋,值得写.”书记说.同时答应为我组织一个座谈会. 在座谈会上,大家告诉我,张会计师是厂党委会特别批准留下来的,厂里需要这个人才.1978年前后,济南化工厂也和全国一样,从“四人帮”破坏的累累伤痕中重整旗鼓.这时,张炳勋同志回到了他工作多年的财务科.他认为,班组核算是企业管理的基础,必须首先抓好.为此,他和财会人员一起深入车 Mentioning the staff, people will never forget how Zhuge Liang helped Liu Bei establish his own career, and he also remembered the outstanding military commanders in the history of our military operations. Nowadays, there are also some people who aspire to be among the staff of the enterprise management community, including our accountants. Zhang Bingxun, chief accountant of Jinan Chemical Plant, a 64-year-old comrade who has done a lot of work for business management since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, and when I came with the desire to know him Jinan Chemical Plant, the plant’s party secretary first received me. “Zhang Bingxun, it is worth writing. ” Secretary said.At the same time promised to organize a symposium for me.In the seminar, we told me that Zhang accountant is the factory party committee Will be specially approved to stay, the factory needs this talent .1978 years ago, Jinan chemical plant and the country, from the “gang of four ” At this time, Comrade Zhang Bingxun returned to work for many years of his financial Section .He believes that team accounting is the basis for business management, must first do a good job.To this end, he and the accountants in-depth car
Occupational hand eczema(OHE) is the most frequently recognized work-related disease in Denmark and the annual cost to society is high. Understanding of the epi
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