
来源 :区域经济评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lilei1984lilei
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编者按:李克强总理在2015政府工作报告中首次把“一带一路”、长江经济带和京津冀协同发展明确为“三个支撑带”。并进一步指出:“要拓展区域发展新空间,统筹实施‘四大板块’和‘三个支撑带’战略组合。”在传统“四大板块”的基础上,将“三个支撑带”提升为区域战略组合的一部分,标志着中国区域发展战略进一步细化和延伸,从原来粗放的以地域为主划分,向更注重地域之间联系、更注重区域均衡、多点支撑的发展 Editor’s Note: Premier Li Keqiang clearly stated for the first time in the government work report for 2015 that the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Province is “the three support belts”. And further pointed out: “To expand the new space for regional development, co-ordinate the implementation of the strategic cooperation of the ’four plates’ and ’three support straps.’ ” On the basis of the traditional “four plates Support Belt ”as a part of the regional strategic composition, marking a further refinement and extension of China’s regional development strategy. From the original extensive geographical division, to pay more attention to the relationship between regions, pay more attention to regional balance, more support development of
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患者男,13岁。3个月前无诱因出现右胫前疼痛,未在意,对症治疗无好转,门诊以右胫前占位收入院。查体:右胫前触及2.0 cm×4.0 cm质韧占位,压痛(+),无活动,右膝活动正常,抽屉试