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考古学家发掘的大多是废弃的遗址,我们过去在发掘和研究一处遗址或聚落时,可能很少有人关心它们废弃的原因,除非像庞贝古城这种极其特殊的灾难性案例。近来对环境考古的重视,这种关注开始出现,比如对齐家文化喇家遗址的灾难性事件和对萧山跨湖桥文化因海侵而消失的关注。本文提供了一种研究遗址废弃行为的范例,对我们的遗址发掘和聚落形态变迁研究颇具启发性。过去的研究往往将废弃看作是一种文化消亡或社会崩溃的结果,而现在则从环境、生计、人口、健康与疾病、营养条件、冲突、意识形态等原因所造成的推力和拉力来了解先民移动的生存策略。美国西南部以丰富的考古遗存而闻名。成千上万的史前房屋以及祭祀建筑仍旧有一部分保留下来,有些还形成了土墩,标志着这里曾分布着活动频繁的史前聚落。这些考古遗存激起了考古学家和普通民众对其废弃原因的兴趣。文章着重探讨了考古学家如何探究废弃的过程及原因。作者认为,废弃也是迁徙的过程。无论是狩猎采集社会还是早期农耕社会,环境波动和社会压力都会导致迁居移动(residentialmobility),而在大部分情况下迁徙是一种生存策略。迁徙过程通常也是个人、家庭和社群的一种决策过程,决定人们在何时迁往何地,并是否期望回来。突发灾难性事件以及不同决策的搬迁,都会在遗址中留下不同特点的物质遗存和遗迹。作者还根据西南部考古学研究成果,总结了四条有助于从考古物质遗存来判断废弃行为的经验标准。这也要求考古田野工作更加仔细地发掘和收集遗址中各种器物和迹象,分辨它们形成的原因和弃置形态,然后从生态环境、生计、社会结构和意识形态来探讨废弃过程,从而动态地重建个别遗址和区域聚落形态的变迁和兴衰。以本文的标准来判断三星堆祭祀坑的废弃方式,也许可以将其看作是当地遗址(聚落)废弃过程的终结性祭祀实践。 Most of the archaeologists unearthed abandoned sites, and in the past few people were concerned about the reasons for their abandonment when they explored and studied a site or settlement, except in this extremely peculiarly catastrophic case of the ancient city of Pompeii. Recent concerns about environmental archeology have begun to emerge, such as the catastrophic events of the Qijia Cultural Lajia site and the concerns that the cross-Huqiao culture of Xiaoshan Mountain disappeared due to the transgression. This article provides an example of the research on the abandonment of a ruin and is instructive in the study of the excavation and settlement of our ruins. In the past, research often regarded discard as a result of cultural demise or social collapse, and now it is understood from the thrust and pull caused by environment, livelihood, population, health and disease, nutrition, conflict and ideology Ancestors mobile survival strategy. The southwestern United States is known for its rich archaeological remains. Tens of thousands of prehistoric houses and sacrificial buildings are still preserved, and some form mounds, marking the frequent prehistoric settlements here. These archaeological remains aroused the interest of archaeologists and ordinary people in the causes of their abandonment. The article focuses on how archaeologists explore the process of abandonment and its causes. The author believes that the abandonment is the process of migration. Whether hunting or collecting society or early farming society, environmental volatility and social pressure will lead to residential mobility (residentialmobility), while in most cases the migration is a survival strategy. The process of migration is also often a decision-making process for individuals, families and communities that determine when people are relocating and whether they expect to come back. Sudden disastrous events and the relocation of different decisions will leave different relics and relics in the site. Based on the research results of archeology in Southwest China, the author also summarizes four empirical standards that help judge the abandonment behavior from archaeological remains. It also requires that archeological field work excavate and collect various artifacts and signs from the site more carefully, discern the reasons for their formation and abandonment patterns, and then explore the abandonment process from the aspects of ecological environment, livelihood, social structure and ideology so as to dynamically rebuild Individual sites and regional settlements change and the rise and fall. Judging the abandonment mode of Sanxingdui sacrificial pits by the standard of this article may be regarded as the end sacrificial practice of the abandonment process of local sites (settlements).
2006年2月,财政部发布了《中国注册会计师审计准则第1602号——验资》(以下简称“新准则”),后又发布了准则指南(以下简称“新指南”)。和《独 In February 2006, the Minis
问:什么是中债综合业务平台网上客户端?  答:中债综合业务平台网上客户端(以下简称网上客户端)是指基于互联网环境,由中央结算公司提供给银行间债券市场各类投资者和中债信息产品
在规模的资本市场中,不同的市场主体都会变得更加成熟和理性,尤其是投资者。在这样一个环境里,注册会计师要努力 In a large capital market, different market players wil
一、现象透视:留守幼儿,一个亟待关注的话题  近年来,一老一少行走在幼儿园道路上已成为常态化风景。“留守儿童”这一特殊群体已成为幼儿园工作的重中之重,他们因各种原因被留在家中,常年和祖辈生活在一起。由于祖辈文化水平不高,他们只负责孩子的温饱,无法对孩子进行有效的学习辅导、思想教育和人格培养等,因此,家庭教育力量十分薄弱。不少家庭的老人还喜欢打牌、饮酒等,这对幼儿也产生了潜移默化的影响。由此可见,幼