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在无产阶级文化大革命运动的推动下,在厂党委和车间党支部的直接领导下,我厂铸钢车间金属型试验三结合小组发扬了敢想敢干的革命精神,在1971年试验成功了金属型浇铸球磨机中空轴。经过几年的生产实践,发现金属型的使用寿命太低,一般使用40多次就开裂不能使用,而大的中空轴金属型使用10多次就开裂了。如何发挥金属型的优点,而克服其缺点呢?我们进行了认真总结,又连续奋战了几个月,终于在73年试验成功并推广了金属型挂砂新工艺。到目前为止,已有中空轴、托轮、小齿轮、电铲铲杆等几个品种采用此工艺进行生产。几年来的生产实践证明,这是一种多、快、好、省的办法,很有发展前途。现将球磨机中空轴、旋窑托轮、球磨机传动小齿轮的金属型挂砂工艺简单介绍于下: Under the impetus of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Movement and under the direct leadership of the Factory Party Committee and Workshop Party Branch, the three-pronged metal-type test team of our factory cast a revolutionary spirit of daring to dare to try and succeeded in testing the metal in 1971 Casting hollow shaft mill. After several years of production practice and found that the life of the metal type is too low, the general use of cracking more than 40 times can not be used, while the large hollow shaft metal used more than 10 times cracking. How to play the advantages of metal type, and overcome its shortcomings? We conducted a serious summary, but also for several months of continuous fighting, and finally in 73 years successfully tested and popularized the metal sanding new technology. So far, there are hollow shaft, roller, pinion, shovel shovel and several other varieties of this technology for production. Over the past few years of production practice has proved that this is a multi-speed, good, provincial approach, promising future. Hollow shaft now ball mill, rotary kiln wheel, ball mill transmission pinion metal sanding process is briefly described in the following:
Searching out old artifacts becomes big business as more ordinaryfolks get bitten by the collecting bug shu Wen had no idea the Chinesecollectors’ market was s
兴业县人民政府决定从 2 0 0 2年 3月 1日起 ,对该县教育、农口系统的 12个县直行政事业单位试行会计核算集中管理。具体做法是 :成立兴业县会计核算中心 ,归口县财政局管理
一次强烈地震,往往伴随着大量余震,而强余震可使已经遭到破坏的地区受到新的破坏。因此,研究强余震的发生规律,是地震预报的一项内容。 本文用拟合误差寻找周期的方法,根根