早就听说北京有位年近半百的“金牌女导游”斐声东南亚,待笔者采访了她后,心中才释然。 沈月原是空政文工团话剧团的一名演员,曾在话剧《以革命的名义》和《霓虹灯下的哨兵》中饰演角色,告别舞台后,于1980年考进了北京市中国旅行社,成为亚洲部的一名女导游。她凭着刻苦攻读的毅力和话剧演员的口才在导游界独树一帜。 导游15年来,她从来没有停止过对知识的撷取和搜集,历史、地理、哲学、政治时事等她都有计划地学
Already heard about a year in Beijing, nearly half of the “gold medal tour guide” Fei Sheng Southeast Asia, until the author interviewed her, the heart was relieved. Shen Yueyuan, an actor of the ARTEX Theater Company, once played a role in the drama “The Revolutionary Name” and “The Sentinel Under the Neon Lights.” After he bid farewell to the stage, he was admitted to Beijing China Travel Service in 1980 and became the Asia Division A female tour guide. With her hard-working perseverance and drama actress’s eloquence in the tour guide industry is unique. She has never stopped capturing and collecting knowledge for 15 years, and she has planned to study history, geography, philosophy, political affairs, etc.