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超声波检测技术是我厂产品生产中不可缺少的测试技术之一.随着我厂军工产品的增多和科研工作的深入,钢管探伤将越来越重要.它作为保证产品质量的重要手段,为产品工艺的改进提供反馈信息,满足用户对高质量产品的需求,提高产品的竞争能力,已日益得到企业的重视.钢管的探伤标准依据是样管,样管必须与被检测钢管同钢种、同规格,在检测任何一种规格钢管之前,都必须先调试样管,才能进行成品钢管探伤.样管的制造要靠专门的样管仪来刻制.我厂在1990年下半年曾和兄弟厂签定协议书,由他们为我厂设计、制造一台刻伤仪,但至今没有结果.我厂钢管探伤样管每年需送宜宾市×××厂加工研制,费用昂贵,而且外厂客观条件有时也影响我厂生产周期.在这种情况下,我们无线电组几名成员决心发挥长钢人的智慧,自己动手设 Ultrasonic testing technology is one of the indispensable testing techniques in the production of our factory.With the increase of military products and the deepening of scientific research in our factory, it is more and more important to inspect the steel pipe as an important means to ensure the quality of the products. Process improvement to provide feedback to meet user demand for high-quality products and improve product competitiveness, has been increasingly valued by enterprises. The test standard of steel pipe is based on the sample tube, the sample tube must be the same with the detected steel, Specifications, in the detection of any kind of specifications before the steel pipe, we must first test the sample pipe, in order to conduct testing of finished steel pipe. Sample pipe production to rely on a special sample tube carved. I plant in the second half of 1990 and brother factory Signed an agreement, designed by them for my plant, making a carved instrument, but so far no result. I plant pipe testing sample tube every year to send Yibin ××× factory processing and development, expensive, and the external objective conditions Sometimes affect my factory production cycle.In this case, several members of our radio group determined to play the wisdom of Changgang, do it yourself
尽管阿司匹林和其它非类固醇抗炎药(NSAIDs)对血小板都有抑制作用 ,但是目前尚无足够的资料证实单独使用NSAIDs的抗血小板效果。本研究试图证实NSAIDs加阿司匹林治疗时 ,阿司匹林会否进一步抑制
神经—肌肉器官的专门特征之一是当肌肉被机械性拉长后,而引起肌肉的弹性形变后,肌肉中积聚了一定的潜力(非代谢性能量),随着该肌肉群 One of the specialized features of
西藏民族在历史上创造了丰富多彩的民族传统文化 ,是中华民族文化宝库中一颗璀灿的明珠。但由于后来政教合一的封建农奴制度的长期桎梏 ,旧西藏文化凋零 ,人才稀缺 ,许多优秀