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卡马西平(Carbamazepine)可以影响其他药物的肝代谢。本文报告1例卡马西平处稳态水平病人,加用地尔硫(艹卓)(diltiazem)后引起了卡马西平血浓水平升高而中毒。患者,男,75岁,1990年4月出现复视、嗜睡、头晕和步态紊乱症状,诊断为岩部斜坡(petroclival)幕切迹脑膜瘤。1990年7月行心室腹膜分流术及右颞乳突后颅骨切除术,摘除其脑膜瘤。随后用卡马西平作癫痫预防 Carbamazepine can affect liver metabolism in other drugs. This article reports a steady-state level of carbamazepine in patients with a flat, plus diltiazem (diltiazem) caused by elevated blood levels of carbamazepine poisoning. The patient, male, 75 years old, developed symptoms of diplopia, drowsiness, dizziness and gait disturbance in April 1990 and was diagnosed as petroclival meningioma. July 1990 line ventricular peritoneal shunt and right temporal papilla after resection of the skull, removal of meningiomas. Followed by carbamazepine for epilepsy prevention
这诉说虽是陈年旧事,但好比一缸陈酒,越陈越香,喝了,沁人心脾,清神醒脑。翻古了,说的是1952年的事。那年,我在长沙县五美乡徐老创办的“济贫”完小读书,在春暖花开的一 This
为适应铁路线路通过能力计算的需要,我国铁路于1973年首次制定并公布实行了《铁路区间通过能力计算办法》,以后又在1984年进行了部分修改。 In order to meet the needs of ra
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Ni/γ-Al2O3 , Ni/Y-zeolite, and Ni/H-ZSM-5 catalysts were prepared using the incipient wetness impregnation method. Their catalytic performance in dry reforming
介绍一种LHRH脉冲式静脉给药促排卵新方法邓晓惠许燕雪康曼华(山东医科大学附属医院)黄体生成素释放激素(luteinizinghormonereleasinghormone,LHRH)脉冲式静脉给药(pulsatileintravenousadmin... Introducing a new method of LHRH pulsed intravenous