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随着世界经济全球化的不断深化及影响,我国建筑行业在有了突飞猛进的发展,不仅是我国经济增长的一个亮点。同时,我国建筑行业的机械化作业越来越普及,也是施工现场作业的一个标志性进步。我国建筑行业在整个施工现场用电方面安全性还不是很高,尽管国家对建筑施工用电安全工作非常重视,各级建设行政主管部门和广大建筑施工企业都做了大量工作,但由于建筑工程施工环境条件复杂、安全技术及安全管理在现阶段还存在各种各样的缺陷、安全装备和人员素质相对较低,致使工程项目施工中用电危险因素层出不穷,且特点多样,不易控制。因此,提高建筑施工安全用电,是我国现阶段施工生产中首要而又急迫的任务。 With the continuous deepening and impact of the globalization of the world economy, the rapid development of China’s construction industry is not only a bright spot in our economic growth. At the same time, the mechanization of construction industry in our country is becoming more and more popular. It is also a symbolic progress of construction site work. China’s construction industry in the entire construction site electricity is not very high security, although the country attaches great importance to the construction of electricity safety, construction administrative departments at all levels and the majority of construction companies have done a lot of work, but due to construction There are still many defects in safety technology and safety management at the present stage. The safety equipment and personnel quality are relatively low, resulting in an endless stream of electricity-related risk factors in the construction of the project. The characteristics of the project are diverse and difficult to control. Therefore, improving the safety of building construction electricity consumption is the primary and urgent task in the construction and production of our country at this stage.
维基解密试图通过揭秘,暗中破坏国家或企业等各种组织的“思考”能力。虽然它最终可能昙花一现,但其创新方式亦有可学之处。    作为一个公布政府和企业机密的互联网组织,我们该对维基解密(WikiLeaks)从何谈起呢?  从它的精神领袖和守护神开始吧。人们或许会说维基解密不仅仅是朱利安·阿桑奇(Julian Assange,自称为该组织的主编),但维基解密的精神领袖的确让人很好奇。有人希望将维基解密描
The first path-independent insertion-loss(PILOSS) strictly non-blocking 4×4 silicon electro–optic switch matrix is reported. The footprint of this switch matr