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“二高年轻的李喆老师在广东省中小学班主任专业能力大赛中技压群雄,代表深圳市摘得桂冠!在大赛的论文、演讲、答辩等环节,她都有近乎完美的表现。由李喆老师的表现可以看出二高的老师是一个奋发向上的群体,是一个无私献出自己职业人生的群体。”深圳市教育局副局长唐海海说。在2010年11月20日举行的广东省中小学班主任专业能力大赛中,深圳市第二高级中学高三年级班主任李喆老师代表深圳市参赛,一举夺得大赛高中组一等奖。此次广东省班主任专业能力大赛竞争异常激烈,为了彰显教育实力,各地市教育局都作了充份准备。此次大赛分设小学、初中、高中和职高四个组别,每个组只允许一个城市推选一名选手参赛,真可谓精英荟萃。 “The second youngest teacher Li Zhe in Guangdong province primary and secondary school class director of professional ability competition in a big way, on behalf of the city of Shenzhen won the title! In the contest papers, speeches, pleadings and other links, she has almost perfect performance. Li Zhe teacher's performance can be seen two high teacher is a progressive group, is a selfless professional life groups. ”Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Education deputy director Tang Hai said. On November 20, 2010, Guangdong Provincial Primary and Secondary School Class Teachers' Professional Competence Contest, the teacher of Shenzhen No.3 senior high school grade third grade teacher Li Zhe won the first prize of the competition high school group on behalf of Shenzhen City. The Guangdong provincial class professional competency competition fierce competition, in order to highlight the educational strength, all over the city Board of Education have made full preparations. The competition divided into four groups of primary, junior high, high school and vocational high school, each group only allows one city to select a contestant, really elite blend.
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本文结合某广场高层商住楼具体情况介绍了锚杆复合土钉墙在基坑支护工程中的应用。 This article combined with a square high-rise commercial and residential building
本文主要论述了结构的计算,并从实际工作中总结出结构设计的内容和注意事项,从理论和实际相结合的一个切入点,供同行参考。 This paper mainly discusses the calculation o