随着方志理论的进步、现代科技文化载体的发展、数字时代和网络时代的到来 ,2 1世纪的方志载体必然发生重大变革。方志发展方向不仅仅限于以纸张为物质载体的志书形式 ,出版多媒体电子版方志 ,建立方志局域网和网上方志馆 ,并与广域网因特网联网将指日可待。《关于地方志编纂工
With the progress of the theory of chronicles, the development of modern science and technology carriers, the advent of the digital age and the Internet age, great changes have inevitably taken place in the local records of the 21st century. The direction of development of local chihs is not limited to the format of chihs with paper as material carrier, publishing multimedia electronic chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih chih About local chronicles editor