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新闻背景:日前,国家中长期科技发展规划办公室召集12家大型科研院所负责人举行座谈会,听取他们对国家中长期科技发展规划的意见和建议。 科技部秘书长石定环主持会议。他说。正在制定的国家科技发展规划,期限为2006-2020年,目的是明确一些重大科技发展任务,做好全面布局。为今后近20年的发展打下一个比较坚实的基础。在座的都是各个行业技术研究的“国家队”,虽然都已转制成企业或进入企业,依然是承担国家重大任务的骨干队伍。今天召开这个座谈会,想集中听听大家对于中长期规划目前正在做的工作,还有些什么意见和建议,内容可以宽泛些,不必太局限在具体的题目上,改革的问题、发展的问题都可以畅所欲言。 News Background: Recently, the National Medium and Long-term Science and Technology Development Planning Office convened 12 heads of large-scale scientific research institutes to hold symposiums to listen to their opinions and suggestions on the medium and long-term science and technology development plan of the country. Shi Dinghuan, secretary general of the Ministry of Science and Technology, presided over the meeting. He said. The national science and technology development plan currently under development has a deadline of 2006-2020 aimed at clarifying certain major scientific and technological development tasks and making a comprehensive layout. Laying a solid foundation for the development of the past 20 years. All the “national teams” that are present in the technical studies of various industries present here, though they have all been converted into enterprises or enter into enterprises, and they are still the key cadres who undertake the major tasks of the country. We should hold this forum today and concentrate on listening to all the opinions and suggestions we have on the long-term planning work we are currently doing. We should have broad contents that do not have to be limited to specific topics. The problems of reform and development are both You can speak freely.
目前,双侧岩下窦静脉采血(bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling,BIPSS)联合去氨加压素作为一项微创技术,推荐用于鉴别库欣病与异位ACTH综合征,对定位垂体腺瘤侧别也
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