Judicial Changes in Qing Beijing during the Shunzhi Period(1644-61)

来源 :中国历史学前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxg2009
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The judicial system in Qing Beijing integrated both Ming and Manchu institutions.In the Ming judicial system,the first level of courts in Beijing included the Ministry of Justice and the Censorate,and on the second level was the Court of Judicial Review.During the Ming,however,this system became heavily disrupted by the intelligence security apparatuses,like the Eastern Depot.In the Manchu system,on the first level of courts was the banner company captains and on the second level was the Ministry of Justice.After 1644,the Ming's institutional legacies and lessons remained so important to Manchu rulers that they eventually created an integrated legal system that primarily drew from the Ming system.This integration reflected the Qing dynasty's endeavor to adopt Ming institutions.Prince Regent Dorgon insisted upon judicial separation on the first level of the courts—Censors of the Five Wards could not settle cases involving banner people,nor could the banner system handle cases involving civilians—while the Shunzhi emperor and his successors wanted judicial unity in Beijing and ordinary banner people and civilians to be adjudicated by the same courts.
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