A Study of the Influence of Customer Psychology on Trademark Translation from the Perspective of Cul

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  Abstract:This paper will analyze the influence of customer psychology on trademark translation from the perspective of cultural differences.It starts from the development of trademark translation,the introduction about customer psychology,and then analyzes the East and West cultural preferences.This paper lists two groups of cases of trademark translation combining customer psychology and cultural difference to discuss the influence of customer psychology on trademark translation.Finally,this paper presents three steps on future trademark translation to help enterprise focus on their fight of trademark translation.In conclusion,under different culture connotation and association backgrounds,customers will develop various aesthetic and association psychology.That’s a chain reaction by cultural difference and customer psychology.All in all,this thesis will draw much attention on improvement of trademark translation and provide a new view to analyze it.
  Key words:trademark translation;customer psychology;cultural difference
  I.An Overview of Trademark Translation
  Trademark is generally seen everywhere in people’s daily life.It emerges as an efficient way of spreading information and promoting market.The definition and features of trademark will be introduced in the following part,and through its acquaintance,we will talk about its translation.
  II.Cultural Differences on Trademark Translation
  Trademark is a symbol of the unity of language and culture.Thus trademark serves as a special kind of cross-cultural communication,and so it requires the translator to take many things into consideration,such as cultural connotation differences,cultural associative meanings involved in the wording,and cultural and social values.
  III.An Introduction to Customer Psychology
  In the trademark translation,audience analysis plays a significant role.Translation with audience analysis can grasp customer’s psychology and become popularized.
  IV.Influence of Customer Psychology on Trademark Translation from the Perspective of Cultural Differences
  After being familiar with cultural differences and customer psychology,let’s draw lessons from some cases to have a better understanding on trademark translation.From the successful case,we can learn their road and strategy,while gain experiences through failed case analysis.The Main Steps on Future Trademark Translation are Brand Position,The Analysis on Related Market Culture and Translation Combining Its Customer Psychology.   V.Conclusion
  This paper studies the influence of customer psychology on trademark translation from the perspective of cultural difference.From this thesis,we can learn that different culture backgrounds will produce various customer psychologies.For example,Eastern group psychology is driven from their nation’s culture history.If there is a novel product that catches someone’s eyes,the number of customer will be greatly increased.That’s a chain reaction by cultural difference and customer psychology.When trademark translation faces international marketing environment,translators must lay much emphasis and take advantage of these two factors to seek for a proper position in local.Just because of their influence,trademark translation showed its diversity and internationalism.Therefore,we should spare no effort to improve the ability of translation and walk into globalization ranks.
  [1]Denis McQuail,Audience Analysis,Sage Publications,Inc,1997.
  唐鸿娟(1995.08-今),女,汉族,四川达州,硕士研究生,研究方向:农村与区域发展tang hongjuan(1995.08-今),femal,han,dazhou city,Sichuan province,master graduate,rural and regional development.
  (作者单位:Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)
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摘 要:现代科技不断发展,互联网+技术在高校课堂中的应用,幕课作为教学资源在C语言程序设计课中的应用,取得一定的成绩。传统的教学模式不适合现代社会发展需要,尤其程序设计课是一门实践性强的课程,必须有效提高其应用性能,提高学生动手能力。在翻转课堂和微课中应用幕课作为教学资源,丰富了教学材料,对提高课堂教学效果起到重要作用。  关键词:幕课资源;C语言程序设计;教学应用  随着信息时代的快速到来,“C
摘 要:采用比较分析法、对比法和举例说明法,对天津工业大学健美操选项课本科生的智力和非智力因素进行研究。结果表明:(1)在体育教学中,不仅伴随着学生的智力活动,而且也伴随着非智力活动;(2)学生的非智力活动依赖于智力活动,病积极作用于智力活动;(3)在学生认识世界、学习知识、掌握技能的过程中,两种活动都同时存在并相互作用、相互渗透;(4)学生在学习过程中心理活动首先是智力活动,智力活动有赖于非智力
摘 要:小学数学生活化教学提倡教师用生活化的方式,在课堂上呈现知识的传授,教学内容同学生的年龄特点相适应,进而提高学生的动手能力以及创造性解决实际生活中问题的能力。  关键词:小学数学;生活化;教学  数学教学活动需要建立在学生已有的认知水平与知识经验的基础上,数学来源于生活并能够服务生活。教师应当在开展数学教学活动时,立足学生的生活实际,从这一角度出发创设其感兴趣的学习活动情境。同时应杜绝仅传授
摘 要:在信息化高速发展的今天,Photoshop 作为Adobe 公司的王牌是目前公认最好的图像处理软件,具有绘图、图像编辑、色彩调整等功能。Photoshop软件课是对艺术类专业学生专业能力培养的一门必修课,其授课过程要求集理论知识培养与实践操作训练为一体。但实际教学过程中往往出现两种比较常见的问题:一是教学方法相对传统,过于强调书本理论,缺少实践训练,甚至紧围绕考试,考什么教什么。另一种则是