
来源 :四川财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:herewe
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控购工作要为振兴财政服务四川省控办吴藏钲党的十四届五中全会指出:“九五”时期振兴国家财政的第一步就是要继续实行适度从紧的财政政策,采取切实可行的措施加大节支力度,遏制消费基金过快增长,扭转“八五”期间财政支出增长高于财政收入增长的局面。因此,控购成为... Controlling purchasing work for rejuvenating financial services The 5th Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party holding control in Wuchuan County of Sichuan Province pointed out: The first step in rejuvenating state finance during the Ninth Five-year Plan period is to continue with a moderately tight fiscal policy and take effective measures Feasible measures to increase spending, to curb the excessive growth of consumer funds, reversing the “Eighth Five-Year” period of fiscal expenditure growth higher than the fiscal revenue growth situation. Therefore, control buy become ...
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AIDS is a disease and much more than that. It is a social problem and a population problem of far-reaching impact and a severe challenge confronting all human b
一九七五年三月,以村上三岛为团长的日本书道家访华参观团来中国南京拜访林散之先生。林先生作《日本书法代表团莅华访问赋此四章以赠》诗,并书成横幅长卷赠送日本友 In Mar
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