
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoaiet
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搞好西部地区的水利开发,一定要有新思路。要用全局的观点、系统的观点和可持续发展的观点,研究西部地区水利发展问题。工作重点:一是以改善生态环境为根本和切入点,制定水利规划。经济建设要充分考虑水土资源条件和生态环境保护的要求,合理确定与调整经济结构和产业结构布局,要在保护生态的前提下加快发展,根据水资源条件确定重点发展区域和发展重点,要从社会经济发展、生态环境保护、水资源开发利用三方面统筹 To do a good job in the development of water resources in the western region, there must be new ideas. It is necessary to study the development of water conservancy in the western region with a global perspective, a systematic perspective, and a sustainable development perspective. Focus of work: One is to improve the ecological environment as the fundamental and entry point, the development of water planning. Economic construction should fully consider the requirements of water and land resources and ecological environment protection, rationally determine and adjust the economic structure and industrial structure layout, accelerate the development under the premise of ecological protection, and determine key development areas and development priorities according to the conditions of water resources. Social economic development, ecological environment protection, water resources development and utilization
本刊讯 :日前 ,沱牌曲酒股份有限公司总经理余明阳博士当选为联合国国际信息科学院院士(IIA) ,据悉 ,他是全世界获此殊荣最年轻的人士。联合国国际信息科学院建于1957年 ,是联合国下属
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