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一、“三个代表”重要思想是对马克思主义的新发展 (一)“三个代表”重要思想坚持马克思主义的世界观和方法 论,创造性地运用它们分析当今世界和中国的实际,为我们在新 的时代条件下运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义认识和把握社 会发展规律、更好地推进我国社会主义事业作出了新的理论概 括。 “三个代表”重要思想,从时代发展的特点和要求出发,把先 进生产力、先进文化、最广大人民的根本利益有机统一起来,第一 次从全面性、整体性和更高层次上对党的先进性进行了概括。这 一概括,抓住了时代发展和社会进步的两条主线--生产力发展 要求和先进文化前进方向,并把两者有机结合起来,融入和贯穿 于党的根本宗旨--代表广大人民群众的根本利益之中,这样, “三个代表”的有机统一就完整地体现了党的先进性,使党的本质 要求与社会发展规律相一致,实现了党的先进性与历史发展的客 观必然性的有机统一。 First, the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ is a new development for Marxism A. The important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ adheres to the Marxist world outlook and methodology and creatively uses them to analyze the reality of the present world and China. It has made a new theoretical summary for us to use dialectical materialism and historical materialism to understand and grasp the law of social development and to better promote the cause of socialism in our country under the conditions of the new age. Starting from the characteristics and requirements of the development of the times and organically unifying the advanced productive forces and the advanced culture with the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people for the first time, from the perspective of comprehensiveness, integrity and higher levels The party’s advanced nature is summarized. This generalization has grasped the two main lines of the development of the times and the progress of society - the requirements of the development of productive forces and the direction of advanced culture and organically combines the two with the basic tenet of the party - representing the broad masses of the people In this way, the organic unity of the “three represents” fully embodies the advanced nature of the party, reconciles the party’s essential requirements with the law of social development, and realizes the objectiveness of the party’s advanced nature and historical development The unity of necessity.