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发挥高校党员师生先锋模范作用能有效保持高校党组织的生机与活力,促进广大师生提升素质,推动高校各项工作有序开展。当前,还存在着部分党员入党动机不纯、党性修养水平不高,党内考评、奖惩、监督等机制建设有待落实,党员教育培训形式单一、活动内容单调,党组织凝聚力和战斗力不强等问题。为了更好地发挥高校党员先锋模范作用,要从进一步把好党员发展入口关,加强党员教育培训,搭建党员发挥先锋模范作用平台,加强内外监督和考评机制等方面,加强和改进高校党的组织建设和党员教育工作。 Exerting the Pioneer and Exemplary Role of Party and Staff Members in Colleges and Universities Can Effectively Maintain the Vitality and Vitality of the Party Organizations in Colleges and Universities, Promote the Quality Improvement of Teachers and Students, and Promote the Orderly Development of Various Work in Colleges and Universities. At present, there are still some problems such as the motivation of joining the party by some party members, the low level of self-cultivation of party spirit, the establishment of mechanisms such as appraisal, rewards and punishments, and supervision within the party, the single form of education and training for party members, the monotonous activities and the weak cohesion and fighting power of the party organizations . In order to give full play to the vanguard role of Party members in colleges and universities, we must strengthen and improve the party organizations in colleges and universities in terms of further opening the door to good Party members, strengthening party members’ education and training, building a platform for party members to exert their vanguard and exemplary role, strengthening internal and external supervision and evaluation mechanisms, Construction and education of party members.
<正> 庆大霉素属于广谱抗生素。杀菌力较强,一般认为副作用较链霉素,卡那霉素为小,且极少发生过敏反应,常作为老年人第一线抗生素使用.但庆大霉素对肾脏毒性作用已引起人们关
<正> 眉骨痛,《证治要诀》称眼眶骨痛及眉棱骨痛,即现代医学之眶上神经痛.多以眶上骨或眉头附近疼为主,亦有少数人波及前额、颞部或巅顶.体检时,除眶上部压痛外,多无其它阳性