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不少从事新闻工作时间不长的同志都有这样的经历:从故纸堆里找灵感。请别误解,我这里说的故纸堆,特指报刊的合订本。为了生动地说明这个问题,我们不妨举两个例子。翻开每年年初的军事类报刊合订本,“新兵训练生活物资保障到位”、“走出节日氛围,进入工作状态”、“新年度工作从难从严起好步”一类的报道司空见惯;临近年终,“老兵临走之前再做奉献”、“士官改选秉公办事”、“依法征兵不徇私情”一类的报道信手拈来。于是,有的同志提前“参考”报刊上的稿子,比着葫芦画瓢,不外乎换个例子,改个名字,这样的稿子,因为“时效性强”,“命中率”也还是不低的。 应当说,这种做法偶尔为之,并无不可,但新闻与绘画毕竟有着很大的不同,一味热衷于新闻“临摹”,是不可能提高写作水平的,更不可能写出有分量、有影响的作品来。道理很简单,新闻是不可 Many comrades engaged in journalism work for a short while have such experiences: finding inspiration from the paper heap. Please do not misunderstand, so here I say the pile of paper, especially the combined volume of newspapers and magazines. In order to vividly illustrate this issue, let us give two examples. Open the beginning of each year military class newspapers and periodicals, “new recruits training materials and supplies in place,” “out of the festive atmosphere, into the working state”, “New Year’s work from the hard and strict step,” a class of reports commonplace; near At the year-end, reports of “veterans making sacrifices before they leave,” “non-commissioned officers serving their duties impartially and recklessly,” and “not seeking conscription in accordance with the law” are readily available. Therefore, some comrades “reference” the articles in the press ahead of schedule. They are nothing more than changing the name and making such a draft because “timeliness” and “hit rate” are still not low . It should be said that this practice is occasionally accomplished. However, news and painting are very different after all. It is impossible to raise the standard of writing and to write out the weight of Impact of the work to come. The reason is simple, news is not
enjoy常用作及物动词,意思是“喜欢”、“乐于”、“享受……的乐趣”。现将其用法简述如下:一、enjoy后接名词或代词。例如:They are enjoying their dinner.他们在津津有味
由国际科学心理学联合会(International Unionof Scientific Psychology)主办、德国心理学会(西德)组织的第16届国际心理学会议,将于今年7月31日至8月6日在波恩举行,大会由
A promotion meeting, aimed at “helping rural women become elected to villagers’ committees,” was recently held in Tanggu District, Tianjin. Organized by the