
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duchze
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苏铁的繁殖分为无性繁殖与种子繁殖。种子繁殖的苗木生长快、抗性强,特别适于苗圃地大量繁殖,但常遇到出苗不整齐、出苗率低等情况。解决的关键是必须抓住播种的技术环节,具体方法如下: 一、去种皮苏铁种子的外种皮为红色,播种时外种皮必须去掉。方法是将种子放在清水中充分浸泡,一般需一个星期左右。浸种时要求每隔一天换清水一次,等种皮完全吃水胀起变软时,可放在竹筐或簸箕中人工去皮。二、贮藏种子去皮后如没有到播种时间,应先进行湿砂贮藏。砂子要选择清洁的溪砂,具体方法同其他砂藏种子。三、播种播种时间一般在3~4月。没有经过砂藏的种子,在去皮后还要浸种5~7 Cycas breeding is divided into asexual reproduction and seed multiplication. Seed breeding seedlings grow fast, strong resistance, especially suitable for large-scale nursery breeding, but often encounter irregular emergence, emergence rate is low and so on. The key to solve is to seize the technical aspects of sowing, the specific methods are as follows: First, the seed coat to the seed coat of the outer seed coat is red, seed coat species must be removed. The method is to fully immersed seeds in water, usually takes about a week. Soaking time requirements for water every other day, such as when the complete draft eaten soft, can be placed in bamboo baskets or dustpan manual peeling. Second, if there is no sowing time after peeled seeds should be stored in wet sand. Sand to choose clean sands, specific methods with other sand seeds. Third, planting sowing time is generally 3 to 4 months. No sand through the seeds, after soaking but also soaked 5 to 7
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