
来源 :水运工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fjms001
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一、前言 湛江港一区码头自1956年施工后期开始产生了码头结构的位移。为了查明码头位移的原因,从而采取有效的加固措施,有关单位进行了大量调查、观测和分析工作。其中包括本地区水工建筑物的主要持力层——湛江灰色粘土的研究。 湛江灰色粘土的物理指标较低,但力学指标相对的高,而其中在野外现场取得的标准贯入击数更高。其标贯击数N与一般文 I. INTRODUCTION Zhanjiang Port Terminal 1 has experienced the displacement of the terminal structure since its construction in late 1956. In order to find out the reasons for the displacement of the wharf so as to take effective reinforcement measures, the relevant units conducted a lot of investigations, observations and analyzes. These include the study of gray clay in Zhanjiang, the main stratum of hydraulic structures in the region. The physical indexes of Zhanjiang gray clay are lower, but the mechanical indexes are relatively high, and the standard penetration number of Zhanjiang gray clay is higher in the field. Its standard number of attacks N and general
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