Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of In Situ TiB_2-7055 Composites

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haoge2919
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In order to fabricate a kind of high strength particulate reinforced aluminum-matrix composites, the high strength aluminum alloy 7055 was selected as a matrix. Composites reinforced with varying amounts of TiB2 particles were synthesized using the in situ method, and their mechanical properties and microstructure were analyzed. It is found that the in situ TiB2 particles sized from 50 to 400 nm uniformly disperse in the matrix. With the weight fraction of TiB2 particles increasing, the elastic modulus as well as the yield strength and the ultimate tensile strength increase, while the ductility decrease. The improvement of strength could be attributed to good bonding between TiB2 and the matrix, and also the TiB2 particles act as a barrier to dislocation. In order to fabricate a high-strength particulate reinforced aluminum-matrix composites, the high strength aluminum alloy 7055 was selected as a matrix. Composites reinforced with varying amounts of TiB2 particles were synthesized using the in situ method, and their mechanical properties and microstructure It was found that in situ TiB2 particles sized from 50 to 400 nm uniformly disperse in the matrix. With the weight fraction of TiB2 particles increasing, the elastic modulus as well as the yield strength and the ultimate tensile strength increase, while the ductility decrease. The improvement of strength could be attributed to good bonding between TiB2 and the matrix, and also the TiB2 particles act as a barrier to dislocation.
一月的末尾,我正打算出门,一个气喘吁吁的身影出现在我面前,将我堵了个结结实实。“喏!给你!我要回去过年了!”一个笼子突然出现在我手里,“哦哦,还有这个,猫粮!”一小袋快要见底的猫粮也出现在我手里。  我脑海中一片空白,茫然地在街头站了约有三十秒钟,直至目送室友的背影渐渐消失在街道的拐角,我才想到将手里的笼子举起来,正面对着自己,里面一张好像刚刚挖过煤的毛茸茸的脸也凑过来看着我。咦,一只暹罗……  
[原文]  炊 烟  李晓文    ①炊烟总是喜欢站在瓦棱上向远处眺望,并且学母亲的样子,以手加额,温和地叫着我们的乳名,喊我们回家。有时,我们玩疯了,或者根本没听见,它们就会像蛇一样,一扭腰爬到云的上面,撒开两腿追赶我们失落在山坳里的脚印。我想,那一定是母亲叫它们来的,否则,它们怎么知道我们在哪座山哪条谷哪块坡地上砍柴扯草翻跟斗呢。在这个世界上,能给你这种感觉的,一定是你的母亲。   ②像母亲身
提起植物,人们首先联想到的一定不会是聪明。如果有人说我像植物一样有远见,我也不会认为这是在夸我。但是有些科学家却认为,植物被过于低估了,它们不仅能够计算,有远见,而且记得曾经历过的事情。    对未来的筹划安排    有植物学家声称,植物能够预测将来会出现的问题,并决定如何避免这些问题。我们早就知道,正在生长的植物嫩芽能够感知周围植被。绿叶吸收红光而反射红外线,植物可以识别从红光到红外线的光度变化
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究竟是谁害怕?我的邻居给我们讲起他带着他那两岁半的儿子外出旅行的事。那是他们父子头一次单独外出。 Who is afraid? My neighbor told us about his trip with his two-