
来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snake840321
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1996年,我省乡村集体企业达到77027个,其中,乡村工业企业达到51240个,比上年增加2666个,其中乡办工业企业减少422个,村办工业企业增加3088个;乡村工业企业从业人员2451620人,比上年增加236646人;乡村工业企业实现总产值18367899万元,比上年增长37.5%,其中乡办工业企业增长32.9%,村办工业企业增长40.6%;实现增加值5322874万元,比上年增长46.0%,其中乡办工业企业增加值增长25.0%,村办工业企业增加值增长62.1%;实现营业收入16278152万元,增长30%,其中乡办工业企业增长35.1%,村办工业企业营业收入增长26.8%;实现净利润1329350万元,比上年增长21.4%;工资总额942595万元,人均工资达3852元人,比上年提高318元人;实交税金263060万元,比上年增长32.1%。 In 1996, the number of rural collective enterprises in the province reached 77,027, of which, 51,040 were rural industrial enterprises, an increase of 2,666 over the previous year, of which 422 were rural industrial enterprises, and 3,088 were village-run industrial enterprises; employees of rural industrial enterprises 24,516,020 people, an increase of 236,646 people over the previous year; rural industrial enterprises realized a total output value of 1,837,699,900 yuan, an increase of 37.5% over the previous year, of which the township-run industrial enterprises increased by 32.9%, the village-run industrial enterprises increased by 40.6%; the added value of 532.2874 million yuan , an increase of 46.0% over the previous year, of which the value-added of rural industrial enterprises increased by 25.0%, the value added of village-run industrial enterprises increased by 62.1%, and the operating income was 162,815,220,000, an increase of 30%, of which the rural industrial enterprises increased by 35.1%. The operating income of industrial enterprises increased by 26.8%; the net profit was 132.935 million yuan, an increase of 21.4% over the previous year; the total wage was 942595 million yuan; the per capita wage was 3,852 yuan, an increase of 318 yuan over the previous year; the paid tax was 2630.6 million yuan. , an increase of 32.1% over the previous year.
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辞别九五年,迎来九六年! 大地春意盎然,万物生机勃勃。忆往昔,江苏茧丝绸有悠久的历史,建国后,特别是改革开放以来,丝绸行业发展较快,每年投放农村收茧茧款最多时近30亿元。