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广东省潮阳市名气不小,是全国人口最多的县级市,是著名的侨乡,是粤东地区唯一名列91年度全国百强县的市,排名第十四位.难能可贵的是,这个人多地少的县级市做到了一、二、三次产业协调发展,并没有像许多地方那样抱一头舍一头.到1994年,已连续6年达到亩产吨谷的水平.今年早稻已获丰收,亩产达533公斤.就去年的统计看,尽管潮阳国民生产总值和工农业总值在汕头地区占的比例分别为28.2%和33.7%左右,而农业生产总值和乡镇企业生产总值却分别占50.3%和64.7%,而且这些指标的增长速度都超过汕头地区平均增长率. The reputation of Chaoyang City, Guangdong Province is not small, is the country’s most populous county-level cities, is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese, is the only eastern Guangdong region ranked 91 cities in the top 100 counties, ranked No. 14. Commendable that this The county-level cities where people are mostly small and have achieved the first, second and third industries coordinated development have not, as in many places, turned a blind eye and have reached the level of per-mu-tonnage in grain for six consecutive years by 1994. This year, According to the statistics of last year, although the gross national product of Chaoyang and the total value of industry and agriculture account for 28.2% and 33.7% of the total in Shantou, the gross output value of agriculture and the total output of township and village enterprises But accounted for 50.3% and 64.7% respectively, and the growth rate of these indicators exceeded the average growth rate of Shantou.
清洁处理与安全防护问题是电真空器件工艺中不可忽视的问题。文中论述了器件材 料和零件污染物的来源以及用物理化学进行清洁处理的方法,清洁处理时的注意事项, 特别是对化学药
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