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美国金丝高粱原产美国,其穗子象一束金丝纤维一样,故此得名。它是用于制帚和工艺编织的优质原料。由于其穗子具有优良的制帚和工艺编织性能,许多国家都先后进行了引种。1993年河南省陕县科协农技服务部引种亦获得成功。 该高粱品种的穗子呈纤维状,一级枝梗基本等长,长度为0.4—0.8米,枝梗粗1—2毫米,呈金黄色或豌豆绿色,比一般高粱穗子有较强的韧性、弹性、耐拉性和抗折性,可加工成各种高级客厅帚、地毯帚、仓库帚、家庭帚、小桌帚及玩具帚等条帚用品和各种编织工艺品。这些产品美观大方,结 American gold sorghum native to the United States, its ears like a bundle of gold fibers, so named. It is a good material for brooms and weaving. Due to its spike has excellent broom and process weaving performance, many countries have introduced. In 1993, Shannxi County Association for Science and Technology Agricultural Technology Services also introduced the success. The sorghum varieties of fibrous fringe, the primary branch stems basically the same length, length of 0.4-0.8 meters, branches and stems 1-2 mm thick, golden yellow or pea green, than the average sorghum ears have strong toughness, flexibility , Durability and bending resistance, can be processed into a variety of senior living room brooms, carpet brooms, warehouse brooms, family brooms, table brooms and toy brooms and other broom supplies and all kinds of woven handicrafts. These products beautiful, knot
Phenology allows organisms to overcome seasonally variable conditions through life-cycle adjustment.Changes in phenology can drastically modify the evolutionary
Insecticides cause a range of sub-lethal effects on targeted insects,which are frequently detrimental to them.However,targeted insects are able to cope with ins
Southweste co borer (SWCB,Diatraea grandiosella) and fall armyworm (FAW,Spodoptera frugiperda) are major pests of sorghum in the southe United States.Host plant
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