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  Since shoe brands first set foot in the Rose City① over four decades ago, they’ve had a close connection to the local pro team and its biggest players. One year after the Portland Trail Blazers joined the NBA as an expansion team in 1970, University of Oregon grad Phil Knight officially launched the Nike brand in nearby Beaverton.
  By the following NBA season, Nike was on its way to establishing itself in footwear through a series of running models, and Knight pegged the local team’s first-ever Draft pick, a scoring wing out of Princeton named Geoff Petrie, as the Swoosh’s first hoops endorser. The debut hardwood shoe that Petrie headlined for the 1972-73 season? The aptlytitled Nike Blazer②. As a young startup mostly selling sneakers out the back of Winnebagos across Oregon at running events, the ’70s were humble times for Nike. At one point, the brand had fallen some $40,000 behind to Petrie and offered to settle their debt by giving him stock in the company. According to Petrie, he and his agent fought for the cash instead, turning down shares that some have since estimated to be worth tens of millions today.
  The growing pains of the industry’s early days are now long forgotten, as Rip City played host to some of footwear’s premier stars. From Petrie and fellow early Nike endorser Sidney Wicks, to Bill Walton’s Championship-winning adidas Pro Models in the late ’70s, both Nike and adidas have long been repped by the Blazers.
  这个产业初期的阵痛如今已成为历史,而那时,“撕裂之城”是鞋界超级巨星们的家。从皮特里到耐克早期签约球员西德尼·威克斯,再到上世纪70年代末穿着阿迪达斯Pro Models系列球鞋赢得总冠军的比尔·沃顿,开拓者一向不缺球鞋品牌代言人。
  As the millennium wound down and after some slow years on the footwear front, it was the throwback-inspired Rasheed Wallace and his strap-dangling Air Force 1s that helped put the Blazers back on the KICKS map, while LaMarcus Aldridge has done work in a variety of Nikes since arriving in ’06.
  随着新世纪到来,球鞋市场在经历了几年低迷后,复古风的拉希德·华莱士和他的搭扣版Air Force 1,帮助Blazer系列重新回到了球鞋市场。自从2006年进入联盟以来,拉马库斯·奥尔德里奇也和耐克有好几次合作。

  The Blazers’ newest star, PG Damian Lillard, is the latest to carry the shoe torch. He’s gone from little-known Lottery pick to All-Star Weekend headliner in just two years, and he even hosted his own launch event this past spring with adidas Basketball for a special quickstrike of the Crazy 1, all themed around the city’s nickname.   开拓者最新出产的球星控卫达米恩·利拉德,则是最近一个接过球鞋火炬的人。只用了两年时间,他就从一个没名气的乐透秀成为了全明星周末的热门人物。甚至在今年春天,他还和阿迪达斯篮球一起举办了自己的专属活动,发布特别版的“快击”Crazy 1,活动的主题完全围绕着波特兰的城市绰号。
  “Portland is the Rose City, and I love the color,” says Lillard. “It’s fun to be able to interact with people in the city, because they don’t always get the opportunity to meet us and see who we are. To have a shoe that’s dedicated to the city and for people to come out and support me the way they do, I feel like I owe it to them to show up and let them see who I am off the floor.”
  Dame may be headed toward joining the long line of NBA greats to call Portland home, but he’s also eager to put people onto the Three Stripes. “Representing adidas in Portland is a lot of fun,” beams Lillard, who is just as excited about the Blazers’ bright future in the wake of a shockingly successful 54-win, second-round-of-the-Playoffs season. “I’ve come along as a player and contributed to our success as an organization the last two seasons, and it’s helped me shine some light on adidas.”
  Nike was the first major footwear brand to call Portland home, but companies have been flocking west since the early ’90s, notably because of the hotbed of design talent, the state’s lax tax laws and the (relatively) short flying proximity to factories in Asia. After kickstarting their own Portland headquarters in 1990 with the hiring of former Nike marketing execs Rob Strasser and Peter Moore, adidas has based their North American design and marketing operations in the Northeast region of the city for the past 24 years.

  Soon after, several brands followed suit. AND 1, then based in Philadelphia, launched its own design and development satellite office in downtown Portland for a decade-long stay that began in the late ’90s. Li-Ning, one of China’s premier sportswear brands boasting nearly 8,000 retail stores of their own in Asia and a sprawling Beijing-based corporate campus, also launched a design space in Portland in 2008 to service its NBA athletes, like Baron Davis and, eventually, Dwyane Wade. More recently, Baltimore-based Under Armour opened its own Portland innovation center, picking off longtime footwear vets to lead new materials and construction methods.   没过多久,这一做法得到了其他品牌的效仿。AND 1总部原本在费城,上世纪90年代末,他们在波特兰市中心开设了设计和发展分部,而且一待就是10年。作为中国顶级的体育用品品牌之一,李宁在全亚洲共有近8000家零售店,在北京还有一个大型公司总部,2008年,李宁也在波特兰开设了设计分部,用以服务签约品牌的球员,比如拜伦·戴维斯,以及现在的德韦恩·韦德。最近,总部在巴尔的摩的Under Armour在波特兰开设了创新中心,希望通过领先的新材料和构造设计对抗老牌运动品牌。
  “Portland is an interesting and diverse city that has great art exhibits, nature all around, extreme sports, and a music and design scene,” says Marc Dolce, Nike Sportswear’s Design Director. “The city is all about connecting creatives, bright minds and people looking to do things different.”
  One of the major benefits of having so many brands centrally located in the city is undoubtedly the impact that current Blazers and visiting NBA players alike can have on future product. Brands generally meet quarterly with their biggest out-of-town endorsers, while Nike and adidas also take advantage of close relationships with Blazers just a short drive away. “It helps a lot having the HQ here, because I can be more hands on with everything I’m involved with,” admits Lillard. “What shoes I wear, the colorways and patterns, and also to shop at the adidas store.”
  The city’s hoopers are at the unfortunate mercy of rain, which falls throughout the year, leaving the summer months of June, July and August as the best time to try and get consistent outdoor runs in. Even then, the weekend can still be rained out at a moment’s notice.
  Wallace Park holds down games in the Northwest on weekends, and both Irving Park and Woodlawn Park in the Northeast historically have served as proving grounds for the area’s best. Around town, the games have come and gone over the years, with the city’s best young players opting for gyms and the AAU circuit instead.
  “Irvington Park was definitely a hotbed for the talent back in the day, and playing at the parks, that’s where you learn to get an edge in playing basketball. You learn how to be competitive at the parks,” says Strickland. “If you can shoot at the parks, then you’re going to be shooting a high percentage in the gym. That’s a lost art these days with the kids not really playing at the parks anymore, though.”
  “You may not find the culture and fashion that you’ll see in New York, L.A., Paris or Milan, but in many cases, we’re not chasing trends, we’re looking to create them,” Dolce says. “It’s about leading the industry and trying to define the next innovations for both sport and life, and Portland is at the heart of influencing that.”
作为匹克最早签约、如今与匹克签约时间最长的NBA球星,肖恩·巴蒂尔与匹克的合作一直是NBA球星与国内体育品牌合作的典范。泉州作为匹克的总部所在地,巴蒂尔的此次泉州行也被他自己称为“回家”之旅。  28号早上第一站,巴蒂尔来到匹克总部,参观了匹克品牌馆。匹克集团董事长许景南特地为巴蒂尔介绍品牌历程,与NBA的合作,包括成为NBA官方市场合作伙伴、先后签约20多位NBA球星;与FIBA的合作,包括先后
不知道从什么时候开始,越来越多的人开始习惯于这个等式:篮球+女生=穿着AJ鞋的萌妹子。但那其实是因为你还没遇见南京女篮野球联盟。  南京这座六朝古都绝对算不上是一座篮球城市,自己的CBA球队主场甚至都不在主城区。但就是在这里,几个彼此相熟的球友从一个小小的QQ群开始,逐渐打造出了全市规模最大的业余女篮组织。2013年11月,联盟正式成立,许易楠、赵平、丁凡、严辰辰成为其的主要组织者与负责人。不到一
当我们回顾上世纪60年代那些具有强烈社会意识的运动员时,最让人激动的,不是他们做了什么,而是他们到底是谁。他们都是明星,是王中王,世界体育就在他们的掌控中,同时,他们也是标志性的政治人物。在那个高度政治化的年代,身为体育明星,你就须对发生在赛场之外的运动发表自己的看法,首当其冲的,就是越南战争和黑人自由运动。  最伟大的篮球运动员比尔·拉塞尔,最伟大的橄榄球运动员吉姆·布朗,最伟大的大学篮球运动员
北京时间9月6日,伴随着球迷的尖叫,乔治·希尔身着运动服准时出现在了襄阳二十四中体育场,与在座的球迷朋友们进行亲切的现场互动。当天,希尔为参加“匹克杯”3V3决赛的球员上演专业篮球训练技能,在全场球迷的热情欢呼下,希尔与球迷对飚三分,更有飞身扣篮技惊四座。在场球迷无不大呼过瘾,全场气氛几度沸腾!  大家都知道,希尔对待训练和比赛都是一丝不苟,没想到对待食物也不例外。初到襄阳,可能酒店的午餐并不是那
三年前的一天,20岁的尼古拉·米罗蒂奇跟教练尼古拉·武贾切奇坐在一起。两人相识多年,情同父子,但米罗蒂奇从来没有那么紧张过,“教练,我要告诉你一件非常重要的事情。”  “好啊,什么事?”  “过去两天我都没睡好,因为我在想该怎么告诉你。”米罗蒂奇吞吞吐吐,“我,和你女儿,上床了……”  大概有5分钟,武贾切奇一句话都没说。一个月后,他同意了他们的恋情,两个年轻人结婚生子,但这却成为了米罗蒂奇延迟登
北京时间8月28日上午,在球迷的欢呼声中,NBA球星、现效力于孟菲斯灰熊队的组织后卫、匹克签约球星本诺·尤德里,时隔三年再次现身承德,正式拉开其“2014匹克世界篮球大使中国行”帷幕。  匹克体育CEO许志华先生也亲自到场,全力助阵“匹克有爱”,向更多球迷传递篮球精神。尤德里也尽显NBA巨星魅力,不仅以匹克世界篮球大使身份为承德市避暑山庄小学送出篮球,更与现场球迷进行较量和互动。在之后的签售活动中
无论精神还是身体,戴蒙德·斯通的硬度都足以和钻石媲美。  是的,现在已经有很多人相信,他就是2015届全美高中生最好的中锋,而他的强硬球风,也巧妙地和他的名字达成了一致。当然更重要的是,这也体现了他在篮球生涯早期遭受批评时,精神上的强硬度。  高四的斯通还没有选择大学,但他已经把名单缩小到四所(威斯康辛、康涅狄格、马里兰和俄克拉荷马州立),他计划在春天宣布自己的决定。2011年,快上完八年级的斯通
秘密的揭开始于一个夏天的夜晚,地点在西雅图的一个洗手间的隔间里。  当时是2012年的9月。数月之前,肯扬·杜林所属的凯尔特人在东部决赛第七场输给了热火,勒布朗·詹姆斯之后赢得了他的第一个总冠军。杜林从来都不是明星球员,他单赛季的场均得分从未超过10,场均上场时间从未超过30,他的年薪也从未多于400万美元。但在被选中12年后,杜林依然在联盟打球,依然有实力在争冠球队的板凳席上获得一席之地。  杜
和远离NBA赛场相比,沙克·奥尼尔告别说唱界的事似乎已经可以归类到考古学范畴了,但国王老板维维克·拉纳戴夫的爱女阿佳丽·拉纳戴夫却说,她有信心说服沙克重返说唱界。  “我和沙克关系非常不错,他事实上真的很支持我的音乐。”阿佳丽说,“我刚开始音乐事业时,他给了我很多建议。”阿佳丽被问到自己是否有机会邀奥尼尔出山,合作录制自己接下来的单曲时,她表示必须要和奥尼尔谈谈,并且非常有信心能说服他。  出生于
这是热火中锋哈桑·怀特塞德第一次被这么多的记者团团围住。在洛杉矶快船的客队更衣室里,他的身边围了好几圈的人。一名记者把头伸进来问,这场砍下23分16篮板的比赛对他来说意味着什么,怀特塞德想了想,说“:我要证明人们是错的。”  像每一个积极上进却曾被轻视的小伙一样,怀特塞德迫切想证明自己,他形容自己心中“有一团火焰”。塞德迫切经历过很多挫折,2010年他在第33顺位被国王选中,之后的两个赛季,他总共