警力跟着警情走 执法跟着规范走 服务跟着民生走

来源 :道路交通管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaircat
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日前,记者来到秀美的江南姑苏城,走近苏州交警。今年上半年,公安部交通管理局和江苏省公安厅交巡警总队先后在苏州召开了推进执法规范化建设现场会,与会领导在实地参观、现场观摩苏州交巡警支队执法规范化、警务信息化、构建和谐警民关系“三项建设”工作后,给予了高度评价。尤其是支队研制开发的道路拥堵预警系统、交通事故逃逸侦破机 Recently, the reporter came to the beautiful Jiangnan Gusu City, approached the traffic police in Suzhou. In the first half of this year, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security and the Traffic Police Corps of Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Bureau successively convened a site meeting to promote the standardization of law enforcement in Suzhou. Leaders of the participating delegations visited the site to observe the law enforcement standardization, police informationization and construction of the Suzhou Patrol Detachment After a harmonious relationship between police and citizens and the “Three-building” work, he spoke highly of it. Especially the detachment research and development of road congestion early warning system, traffic accident escaped detection machine
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