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[目的]探讨庄河地区2004~2010年胃癌死亡情况及其变化趋势。[方法]利用庄河地区全死因登记报告资料,收集2004~2010年所有恶性肿瘤死亡病例信息,计算胃癌死亡率、中国标准人口死亡率(2000年)和世界标准人口死亡率(2000年),标化死亡率年均变化百分比用对数线性回归计算。[结果]2004~2010年庄河地区共计2 101例胃癌死亡病例,其中男性1 470例,女性631例,占恶性肿瘤死因构成的20.05%,居第2位。胃癌粗死亡率男性为45.36/10万,女性为19.86/10万。男性死亡率是女性的2.28倍,胃癌死亡率在男性和女性中均随年龄增长而增加。7年间胃癌死亡率明显下降,在总人群中变化率为每年-12.11%(95%CI:-11.20%~-13.01%),男性为-11.38%(95%CI:-10.36%~-12.40%),女性为每年-14.38%(95%CI:-11.83%~-16.86%)。[结论]庄河胃癌死亡率明显下降,这可能与当地经济水平提高及胃癌综合防治措施的实施有关。但当地胃癌死亡率仍高于全国平均水平,应继续完善恶性肿瘤监测系统,以指导胃癌病因及早诊早治工作,进一步降低胃癌死亡率。 [Objective] To investigate the death status of gastric cancer in Zhuanghe District from 2004 to 2010 and its changing trend. [Methods] According to the registration report data of all causes of death in Zhuanghe district, the information of all malignant tumor deaths from 2004 to 2010 was collected to calculate the mortality rate of gastric cancer, the standard population mortality in China (2000) and the world standard population mortality rate (2000) The average percent change in standardized mortality was calculated using log-linear regression. [Results] A total of 2 101 cases of gastric cancer deaths were found in Zhuanghe District during 2004-2010, including 1 470 males and 631 females, accounting for 20.05% of the total deaths from malignant tumors, ranking the second place. The crude death rate of gastric cancer was 45.36 / lakh and 19.86 / lakh for females. Male mortality is 2.28 times that of women, and gastric cancer mortality increases with age in both men and women. The 7-year mortality rate of gastric cancer was significantly decreased. The rate of change in the general population was -12.11% (95% CI: -11.20% -13.01%) and -11.38% (95% CI -10.36% -12.40% ), And -14.38% (95% CI: -11.83% -16.86%) in women each year. [Conclusion] The mortality rate of gastric cancer in Zhuanghe River dropped significantly, which may be related to the improvement of local economy and the implementation of integrated gastric cancer prevention and treatment measures. However, the local gastric cancer mortality rate is still higher than the national average, should continue to improve the malignant tumor monitoring system to guide the etiology and early diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer to further reduce the mortality of gastric cancer.
原海南省书协副主席、原海南省妇女书法家协会主席韩秀仪幼遵庭训,躬习书法。已逾耳顺之年,仍被传统文化的魅力深深震撼着。笔情墨趣久已融入她的生活和生命中。 Former vic
近年来,学生意外死亡时有发生,为此我们对我市1985~1989年四年间小学生意外死亡情况进行了调查。结果如下:1 对象与方法到市教育局初教科查阅85年9月1日—89年8月31日市区39
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①跃根患矽肺病后,又丧失劳动能力18年,最近病情加重,并发了肺癌经各大医院治疗无效,终于被矽肺和癌症夺去了生命。 (1) After suffering from silicosis, the patient has
菲勒出身在一个贫民窟。小时候,他和大多数出身在贫民窟的孩子一样争强好胜,也喜欢玩,调皮甚至逃学。  与众不同的是,菲勒从小就有一种善于发现财富的非凡眼光。有一次,他把一辆从街上捡来的玩具车修好,让同学们玩,然后向每个人收取0.5美分。在一个星期之内,他竟然赚回一辆新的玩具车。菲勒的老师深感惋惜地对他说:“如果你出生在一个富人的家庭,你会成为一个出色的商人。但是,这对你来说已经是不可能的事了,你能成