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2002年9月8日,在俄罗斯首都莫斯科以西124公里处的博罗季诺村博罗季诺会战战场遗址,“硝烟弥漫,炮声隆隆,枪声阵阵”。身穿当年俄法两国军眼的“士兵”在此捉对厮杀,重现了当年俄法两国军队在此激战的场景。观礼台上,坐满了俄军政要员和外国友人。近10万名俄罗斯公民云集于此参加俄罗斯纪念博罗季诺会战190周年活动。1812年9月,这里曾进行过一场史无前例的战斗。法国皇帝拿破仑和俄罗斯元帅哈伊尔·库图佐夫率领数十万人的大军曾在这里进行惨烈的交锋。每年9月的第一个星期日,在博罗季诺都举行节日庆祝活动。节日的主要内容是模拟表演。它把人们带进了1812年战役时的情节之中。我在俄联邦总参军事学院学习和工作期间,有幸目睹了2002年俄纪念这一战役的全过程,并在以后日子里了解了此次战役,还参观了与此相联系的各类纪念建筑物,印象颇深。 On September 8, 2002, at the ruins of the Borodino battlefield in the Borodino village 124 km west of Moscow, the capital of Russia, there were “smoke filled, rumbling cannons, gunfire bursts.” The “soldiers” wearing the eyes of the Russian and French military forces of the two countries at this time caught the fight and recreated the fierce battle between Russia and France in that year. On the ceremony table, filled with Russian military officials and foreign friends. Nearly 100,000 Russian citizens gathered here to attend Russia’s 190th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. In September 1812, there was an unprecedented battle here. Napoleon, the emperor of France, and Mikhail Kutuzov, the ruler of Russia, led the army of hundreds of thousands of people here in tragic confrontation. On the first Sunday in September each year, festivals and celebrations are held in Borodino. The main content of the festival is an analog performance. It brought people into the plot of the 1812 campaign. During my studies and work at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, I was fortunate enough to witness the entire process of commemorating the battle in Russia in 2002. I learned about the battle at a later date. I also visited all types of memorial buildings associated therewith Impressed.
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