Palaeobotanical and biomarker evidence for Early Permian (Artinskian) wildfire in the Rajmahal Basin

来源 :古地理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuyong19840815
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This study provides a combined analysis on the palynology, fossil charcoal and biomarkers of the subsurface coal deposits from a borehole RMB #2 drilled at the Dhulia Coal Block, Rajmahal Basin, India, in attempts to establish the chronology of sedimentation and to propose palaeobotanical as well as geochemical evidence for the occurrence of wildfires in these sediments. The palynological investigation suggests a Scheuringipollenites barakarensis palynoassemblage from the lower Barakar Formation, dated as Artinskian (Early Permian) in age. This assemblage reveals the dominance of Glossopteridales and sub-dominance of taxa belonging to Cordaitales and Coniferales. Fossil charcoal in sediments is usually recognized as a direct indicator for the occurrence of palaeo-wildfires. More data involving the anatomical features of fossil charcoal analyzed by Field Emission Scanning Electronic Microscope broaden our knowledge on Early Permian wildfires from the peninsula of India. The studied macroscopic charcoal fragments exhibit anatomical details such as homogenized cell walls, uniseriate simple and biseriate alternate pitting on tracheid walls and rays of varying heights pointing to a gymnospermous wood affinitity. The excellent preservation of charcoal fragments, shown by their large sizes and almost unabraded edges, suggests a parautochthonous origin. The embedded biomarker study performed for charcoal sediments and its characterization demonstrate the presence of n-alkanes, isoprenoids, terpenoids and aromatic compounds. A bimodal distribution pattern of n-alkanes with a Cmax at n-C25 is identified. Diterpenoids and pentacyclic terpenoids are identified, indicating the input of an early conifer vegetation and bacterial activity, respectively. The identified polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds, together with the charcoal fragments, clearly suggest that repeated wildfire events occurred during the deposition of these Artinskian sediments in the Rajmahal Basin.
【摘 要】本文主要阐述了中职班主任德育工作中,坚持“以就业为导向”,不断丰富德育内涵,创新德育手段,以职业生涯规划为切入点、以职业技能训练为突破口、以顶岗实习为契机、以中职升高职为引领,强化养成中职学生良好的职业素养,培养与我国社会主义现代化建设要求相适应,德智体美等方面全面发展,具有综合职业能力,在生产、服务、技术和管理第一线工作的高素质劳动者和中初级专门人才。  【关键词】就业导向;职业素养
李广平艺术简历 1963生于山东平原,现任教于曲阜师范大学美术系。曾有个人展览于比利时根除,法国巴黎,德国慕尼黑,荷兰阿姆特丹,中国北京、广州等地,作品多次参加中国嘉德拍
【摘 要】“生本教育”高职数学课堂教学要尊重生命发展和就业教育的本质,就要坚决开展“生本教育”。在此基础上,笔者坚持生本理念,结合自己的教学实践,粗浅地探讨了在高职数学课堂教学中开展生本教育的“两要”:(一)要掌好“舵”,由行凝其神;(二)要把好“度”,聚神于无形。  【关键词】数学课堂教学;生本教育;对数  著名教育家夸美纽斯在《大教学论》中写下了他的理想:“找出一种教育方法,使教师因此可以少