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学会作为广大科技工作者学术性的群众组织,是社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设的一支重要力量。利用学会这种群众团体的形式和力量,发挥学会联系群众,面向社会的优势,从自己的科技群体组织特点和社会地位出发,团结和组织广大会员,加速社会主义精神文明建设,是学会工作急需加强的重要工作。本文仅就学会在社会主义精神文明建设中的作用谈点浅见。一、学会是社会主义精神文明建设的一支重要力量学会是党和政府联系广大科技工作者的桥梁和纽带。学会必须遵循十三大提出的“一个中心,两个基本点”的指导思想,在党的领导下,根据自身的性质和特点围绕四化建设和改革开放的需要,大力开展学术研究工作。在工作中必须坚持实事求是,一切从实际出发,理论联系实际。由于学会和广大会员有着天然的联系,它不仅可以把广大会员的愿望与呼声,通 As an academic mass organization of vast numbers of scientists and technicians, learning as an important force in the construction of socialist material and spiritual civilization. By using the forms and forces of learning such mass organizations, we should give play to the advantages of learning to connect with the masses and the society. Starting from the organizational characteristics and social status of our scientific and technological groups, uniting and organizing the majority of members and speeding up the construction of socialist spiritual civilization are urgent needs Strengthen the important work. This article only talks about the role of learning in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. First, learning is an important force in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization Learning is the bridge and link between the party and the government in contacting vast numbers of scientists and technicians. The Institute must follow the guiding ideology of “one center and two basic points” put forward by the 13th CPC National Congress and, under the leadership of the party, vigorously carry out academic research in accordance with its own nature and characteristics in the light of the four-nation construction and the need of reform and opening up. We must uphold the principle of seeking truth from facts in our work, and proceed from reality in the light of everything, and integrate theory with practice. As the Society has a natural connection with the general membership, it can not only bring the wishes and voices of the general membership
Mrs.Li is in her forties.She has taught at my school for ten years.She is always kind and helpful.Whenever she has some money left,she gives it to someone in ne
乡愁是什么?  乡愁是村前的小桥。那是一座不知年代、狭窄、简陋得甚至有些寒碜的石头桥。除了偶尔有车队经过要热闹一阵子外,大多数时间里它都是寂寞的。小时候,我没有它的护栏高,大人们把我朝桥面一放,做针线、下象棋、洗衣服等事儿;再大一些,我很奇怪它连个名儿都没有,大人们刮着我的鼻梁说:只要对他人有用,知道不知道名儿有什么关系呢?再大一些,我要上学了,每天踩着它带着青苔的背,有时因为不小心,雨天会滑上一
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尽管里根政府展开了紧张的“会议厅走廊”游说活动以企图影响那些持中立态度的民主党议员,由众议员Les Aspin提出的议案仍以30票的多数在众议院获得通过(229票赞成,199票反
摘要检察机关开展对行政诉讼活动的法律监督是检察权的重要组成部分。但现实中存在不少亟待解决的问题,有必要在现有监督制度的基础上,对我国检察机关行政诉讼法律监督权进行切实的改进和完善,使行政诉讼监督覆盖行政诉讼的全过程,以真正实现司法公正之目的。  关键词行政诉讼检察监督程序性监督诉前监督  中图分类号:D926.3文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-0592(2009)01-172-01    “人民