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当前,俄罗斯军事战略正在进行重大调整:在战争观上俄军重新肯定了地缘政治理论,更加重视国家利益;在战略目标上强调以军事实力恢复大国地位,确保传统势力范围;在战备中突出核武器的遏制作用,重点应付局部战争和武装冲突;在军队建设上强调走质量与数量相结合的道路,重视机动部队的建设;在军队职能上恢复了军队对内遂行任务的职能;在国防工业上决定放慢军转民的步子,保护军工生产的潜力。俄罗斯军事战略具有明显的过渡性特点,基本上放弃了全面争夺的全球性战略目标,转向确保传统势力范围的地区性目标 At present, Russia’s military strategy is undergoing major adjustments: On the war perspective, the Russian military has reaffirmed its geopolitical theory and placed greater emphasis on its national interests; it has emphasized on the strategic goal the restoration of the status of a major power with its military capabilities and the protection of the traditional sphere of influence; , Focusing on coping with local wars and armed conflicts; emphasizing the combination of quality and quantity in the building of the military; attaching importance to the construction of the mobile units; resuming the functions of the military in conducting internal tasks in the functions of the military; in the national defense industry Decided to slow the pace of military transcontinental and protect the potential of military production. Russia’s military strategy has a clear transitional character and basically has given up its global strategic goal of full competition and shifted to the regional goal of ensuring the traditional sphere of influence
如何才能让市场这块大蛋糕越变越大? How can we make the big cake market bigger and bigger?
微软控制了操作系统市场,但是Oracle不会让他的竞争对手控制数据库市场。上周Oracle宣布了两个针对Oracle 8的多类型开发工具,这在市场上将使微软的SQL Server处于劣势。与
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对ERP来讲,JAVA不再是水中月镜中花,他们已经纷纷编制了基于JAVA的软件。 For ERP, JAVA is no longer the moon in the water, they have compiled JAVA-based software.