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新密市卷烟纸厂,从建厂至今的20年来,由小到大,由弱变强,由明星企业到亏损大户,由明星落地到再次冉冉升起,成为省、市百强企业,经过了坎坷不平的起伏道路.究其主要原因,无不和产品质量优劣,科学技术含量高低有着密切关系.1976年建厂,仅有拼装而成的1092纸机生产线,年产低档卷烟纸600吨,由于设备不先进,技术人员不配套,企业规模小,产品质量档次低,用户不欢迎,所以是个微利企业.甚至发生亏损.从1992年冬季开始,经过几年的设备改造,扩大生产能力,重视采用先进工艺,提高质量档次.不仅使年产卷烟纸由600吨增加到4000多吨,产量成倍增加,而且产品质量也高进一档,满足了用户的需求.同时他们还严字当头,加强了内部管理,曾经连续五年成为新密地区独一无二的税利大户,并获省一级管理企业的先进称号;但在1990年下半年至1992年上半年这二年间,内部管理松弛,技术不求进步,产品质量下降,生产成本增高,产品积压,经济死滞,人心思动,科技人员调出十之有五,企业一蹶不振,由明星企业变成了亏损大户.1992年8月,在企业陷入困境、面 Xinmi City Cigarette Paper Mill has grown from small to large, from weak to strong, from star enterprises to large loss makers, from the star landing to once again rising from the establishment of the factory to become the top 100 provincial and municipal enterprises. The ups and downs of the ups and downs. The main reason, are all related to the quality of the product, the level of science and technology has a close relationship. In 1976, the construction of the plant, only the assembled 1092 paper machine production line, annual output of low-grade cigarette paper 600 tons Because the equipment is not advanced, the technicians are not matched, the scale of the company is small, the quality of the product is low, and the users are not welcome. Therefore, it is a profit-making enterprise. Even losses have occurred. Since the beginning of the winter of 1992, after several years of equipment transformation, the production capacity has been expanded. Emphasis on the use of advanced technology to improve the quality of grades. Not only annual production of cigarette paper from 600 tons to more than 4,000 tons, the output increased exponentially, and the product quality is also high in a file, to meet the needs of users. At the same time, they also take the lead It has strengthened internal management and has become the unique tax and profit leader in Xinmi for five consecutive years. It has also won the advanced title of a provincial-level management company; but during the two years from the second half of 1990 to the first half of 1992, internal management was slack. Without advancement in technology, product quality declines, production costs increase, product backlog, economic sluggishness, people’s minds, and scientific and technological personnel are transferred to ten out of five. Enterprises have become sluggish, and star enterprises have become large losses. August 1992, In a troubled business,
1  戴一副圆框玳瑁眼镜。眼镜后面,是读书人惯有的平静而笃定的眼神。头发三七分,一丝不乱,这是否意味着,他注重仪表,并且极其严谨?他的五官称得上英俊:眉浓,鼻高,唇厚,天庭饱满,地阁方圆。然而他总是抿着嘴,一副不苟言笑、守口如瓶的样子。人群中的他,会不会有点拘谨,有点笨拙?然而他并没有拒人千里之外的意思。只要靠近他,你就能感觉到他的温度。总的来说,他应该是个表面看起来低温但内心温热的人。——这是现
我是河南省新蔡县顿岗乡一名农村电工,读了《血撼长空》这篇文章,使我联想很多…… I am a rural electrician in Dungang Township, Xincai County, Henan Province. I rea
1917年7月14日,号称远东第一俱乐部的上海“大世界”开张。大世界的老板黄楚九结交过许多文人墨客,有些人成了他的幕僚和智囊。为了大造声势,半个月前,他们出版了《大世界报》,八开四版,每份售价三个铜板。上面除了介绍大世界的节目外,还辟了个副刊,发表随笔、小品和诗词。这份报纸的订数达上万份,连外地都有订户。有了这么一张报纸,这些文人墨客又多了一个聚会、聊天的地方。  《大世界报》的办公室就设在黄楚九