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Q宝宝睡前哭闹,可以听白噪音吗?我家宝宝4个月大,最近睡觉前闹得厉害,听说有一种白噪音,我能让宝宝听吗?李璞医生:白噪音,是指一段声音中的频率分量的功率在整个可听范围(0~20KHZ)内都是均匀的。因为人耳对高频较敏感,所以这种声音听上去是很吵耳的沙沙声,近似于电台FM频段空白处的声音。在一些西方国家,很多接受过白噪音治疗的人形容其听上去像下雨的声音,或者像海浪拍打岩石的声音,再或者像是风吹过树叶的沙沙声。你可 Q baby sleep before crying, you can listen to white noise? My baby 4 months old, recently awake before going to sleep, I heard there is a white noise, I can let your baby listen to it? Dr. Li Pu: white noise refers to The power of a frequency component of a sound is uniform throughout the audible range (0 to 20 kHz). Because the human ear is more sensitive to high frequencies, it sounds like a loud noise, similar to the sound in the blank space of the FM band of a radio station. In some western countries, many people who have been treated with white noise describe their sounds as if they were raining, or the sounds of waves rocking the waves, or the rustle of wind blowing through leaves. you can
Different temperatures affect the effect of controlling pine caterpillars, Dendrolimus punctatus, by B.t pesticide apparently.While using B.t pestici
This paper considers finite-time χ-cousensus problem for a multi-agent system with first-order individual dynamics and switching interaction topologies. Severa
板栗 ( Castanea mollissima Blume)是我国传统的名特优经济树种。近几年来板栗生产迅速发展 ,板栗栽培面积不断增加 ,板栗生产向产业化发展。栗园也从野生栗自然分布 ,树体
198 9年至 1996年间 ,台山红岭种子园从美国、澳大利亚、津巴布韦引入湿地松基因资源种子共 4 0 7份 ,包括有 6个种源、2 13个全同胞家系和 188个半同胞家系。利用其中 370份