
来源 :涉外税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:speee
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国税发[2006]123号2006年8月15日各省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市国家税务局:《车辆购置税征收管理办法》(国家税务总局第15号令,以下简称《征管办法》)下发后,各地在贯彻执行中发现一些问题,希望总局予以明确。现就有关问题通知如下:一、关于已使用未完税车辆如何办理纳税申报问题(一)对已使用未完税车辆,纳税人在主动申请补办纳税申报手续时,因不可抗力因素无法按照《征管办法》的规定提供《机动车销售统一发票》或有效凭证的,主管税务机关应受理纳税申报。 State Administration of Taxation of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specifically designated in the plan: Measures for the Administration of the Collection of Vehicles’ Purchase Tax (Order No. 15 of the State Administration of Taxation, hereinafter referred to as the Measures for the Administration of Tax Collection) After the hair was sent out, some problems were found in the implementation throughout the country and it was hoped that the SAIC would make it clear. I hereby make the following notice on the relevant issues: I. How to handle the issue of tax returns on unused vehicles (I) For taxpayers who have used taxpayers, taxpayers can not apply for tax reimbursement formalities due to force majeure in accordance with the “Measures for the Administration of Tax Collection” The provisions of “motor vehicle sales uniform invoice” or valid certificate, the competent tax authorities should accept the tax returns.
Promethazine, a first generation antihistamine, has an antiarrhythmic effect on ischemia- reperfusion inducing arrhythmias1 and experimental arrhythmias.2 Howev
AIM: To record calcium and potassium currents in acutely isolated smooth muscle cells of mesenteric arterial branches in rats. METHODS: Smooth muscle cells were
介绍了激光表面熔覆技术特点及近期研究进展,讨论了激光熔覆的界面行为、现存问题及发展趋势。 The characteristics of laser surface cladding technology and its recent
《幸福女人不抱怨》  [美]张剑萍著  世界知识出版社2010.1  定价:28.00元    什么是幸福?幸福的指数有多大?一直以来,人们对幸福的诠释可谓千人千语,各持其言。尤其是女性朋友,对幸福的期冀更是一种弥足的奢望。其实,获得幸福并享有幸福对当下都市女性而言,亦难非难。  2010年初,由世界知识出版社出版的《幸福女人不抱怨》一书,全面解读了许多女性不幸福的根源。  时下,社会问题女性和女
作者通过电解磨削硬质合金刀具的多年实践,解决了生产中的技术关键。本文简介所采用的电解磨削工艺、电解磨床改装、电解磨轮使用以及电解磨削的应用前景 The author has sol
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用全自动相变测定仪测定了H13钢退火用TTT曲线,分析了它与H13钢淬火用TTT曲线的差别,研究了H13钢的球化退火工艺及其在不同工艺下的组织和硬度,为合理制订H13钢球化退火工艺提供了依据。 The TTT