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中国电子音响工业协会近日召开新闻发布会,授权许可13家家庭影院,4家语言复读机生产企业使用优质产品的集体商标:A字标志。“A标”的评定标准包括三个方面:一是考察企业的综合实力,包括企业规模,生产条件、企业管理、技术创新及经营状况;二是产品质量,包括质量管理、抽审技术资料和各种试验报告,3C认证报告,ISO9001、音质主观评价和实物整体水平;三是市场表现,包括产品的市场知名度,市场占有率和维修网点。最后由专家组和市场考评组对各考评结果进行打分,全体评委一致通过后才能授予“A标”。审定并推行“A标”,是电子音响工业协会为规范和引导国内音响市场,保护广大消费者的利益的行为。这一措施受到了市场的认可和消费者的欢迎,推动了音响产品的技术发展和品质提高。由于家庭影院和语言复读机都是重要的娱乐及学习产品,文化含 China Electronics Audio Industry Association held a press conference recently, authorizing the licensing of 13 home theater, 4 language repeater manufacturers use the collective trademark of high-quality products: A word mark. “A standard” assessment criteria include three aspects: First, examine the overall strength of enterprises, including the size of the enterprise, production conditions, business management, technological innovation and business conditions; the second is the product quality, including quality management, sampling technical information and A variety of test reports, 3C certification report, ISO9001, subjective evaluation of sound quality and the overall level of the physical; Third, market performance, including product market visibility, market share and maintenance outlets. Finally, the expert group and the market appraisal team scored the results of the evaluation, the judges all passed before being able to grant “A standard.” Validation and implementation of “A standard” is the electronic audio industry association to regulate and guide the domestic audio market, protect the interests of consumers in general. This measure has been recognized by the market and welcomed by consumers, promote the technological development of audio products and quality improvement. As home theater and language repeaters are important entertainment and learning products, culturally inclusive
15岁,因意外失去左腿和右臂的少年,徒步抵达北极,他的故事震撼着每一个人的心灵。 At 15 years old, he accidentally lost his left and right arm teenagers and reached
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