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王俊生先生作为中国足协专职副主席、秘书长,他谈到1999年中国女足就是力争进入2000年悉尼奥运会,一共有七个名额,第一步就是取得奥运会资格,第二步我们才考虑进入女足世锦赛的第四名。如果第一步目标实现了,我们就要向女足最高荣誉发起冲击,争取女足在历届世界杯中的最好成绩,当然这好成绩也包括冠军了。中国足协今年并没有明确规定一定要夺取女足世锦赛冠军,主要根据队内目前的实际情况——临走之前,王丽萍的手受了伤,拇指错位,做完了手术打着石膏走的;老队员刘爱玲的腰不知什么原因感到非常疼痛,晚上常常休息不好;孙雯的膝关节伤;赵利红的腿伤……当天足协的同志去为她们送行的时候,老队员普遍都很疲劳,可以说女足姑娘们是在非常困难的情况下踏上世锦赛程的。可以说中国女足从建立到现在一直都保持着一种拼搏向上的精神,她们的工资待遇、训练条件一直都不很理想,也很苦。女足队伍也从鼎盛时期的三十多支减少到现在八支半,女足确实很艰苦。这次世锦赛国家投资比较大,也很重视,从教练到队员都非常感激。可以移劫玄是中国足协第一次对女足投入这么大,主教练马元安也表示,本届女足年龄层次参差不齐,有参加过第一届女足世界杯的老队员,像刘爱玲都三十二了,也有十八九岁的小队员,第一次入选国家队参加如此重大的国际比赛,各自的心境都不一样。但是目标却都是一样的——要发挥自己的最佳水平,取得最佳成绩。大家都知道,中国女足从来没有获得过世界杯冠军,这次大家都希望能够“搏”一下,实现 As the full-time vice chairman and secretary-general of the Chinese Football Association, Mr. Wang Junsheng mentioned that in 1999 the Chinese women’s football was trying to enter the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. There were a total of seven places. The first step was to qualify for the Olympic Games. The second step was to consider entering the women’s football World Championship fourth. If the first step to achieve the goal, we will launch the highest honor to the women’s football, women’s football for the best in the previous World Cup, of course, this good result also includes the championship. Chinese Football Association did not clearly stipulate this year must not win the women’s world championships, mainly according to the team’s current actual situation - before leaving, Wang Liping’s hand was injured, his thumb misplaced, finished plaster surgery; the old team members Liu Ailing waist I do not know what the reasons are very painful, often rest well at night; Sun Wen knee injury; Zhao Lihong leg injury ... ... the same day the football association comrades go for them when the veterans are generally very tired, we can say that women’s football The girls embarked on the world championships in very difficult circumstances. It can be said that the Chinese women’s football has always maintained a spirit of fighting hard since the founding up to the present. Their wages, training conditions have not always been ideal and painful. Women’s team also reduced from the heyday of more than thirty to now eight and a half, women’s football is indeed very difficult. The World Championships countries invest relatively large, but also very seriously, from the coach to the players are very grateful. Can be robbed Xuan is the Chinese Football Association for the first time into the women’s football so much, coach Ma Yuanan also said that the current level of women’s football uneven, have participated in the first women’s World Cup veteran players, like Liu Ailing are thirty-two , There are also 18-year-old team members, the first national team to participate in such a major international competition, their state of mind is different. But the goal is the same - to be at your best and achieve the best result. As we all know, the Chinese women’s football has never won the World Cup, this time we all hope to “stroke” look and achieve
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