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粤汉路武东站工人昨一度怠工粤汉铁路管理局武东总站(即武昌徐家棚总站)铁路工人,为请求局方调整待遇,几经交涉因无结果,2000余人于1921年10月8日上午实行怠工,致当日上午十一时半之该路第十一次寻常快车误点未能按时开出。闻此次怠工之工人包括武东路铁路工人、机场工人及轮渡管理所等各单位,总计二千余人,工人方面因以物价高涨,生活困难,曾向局方要求每月津贴食米一石,但未获局方批准,乃于昨日实行怠工,该局副局长兼武汉办事处处长刘传书闻讯即驰赴徐家棚车站与工人代表会商,当经决定,关于路工待遇问题,须静候总局电示解决.在目前运输紧急的情况之下,工人方面,应体谅时限,尽力维护交通,在总局未决定调整待遇前,允为设法先配各人食米两斗,各借支二十元, Wudong Station of Guangdong-Han Road Railway Workers Sluggardly Joined Railway Workers at Wudong Terminal of Guangdong-Wuhan Railway Administration (ie Wuchang Sub-station in Wuchang) In order to request the bureau to adjust the treatment, after several unsuccessful negotiations, more than 2,000 workers were detained in October 8, 1921 On the morning of the implementation of sabotage, to the eleven thirty on the morning of the eleventh ordinary express train failed to time out. A total of more than 2000 workers, including railway workers, airport workers and ferry management offices, were found to have been involved in the sabotage work. As workers were experiencing price increases and living difficulties, they requested the Administration a monthly allowance for eating rice and stone , But not approved by the Bureau, was put in sabotage yesterday, the bureau deputy director and director of Wuhan Office Liu Chuanshu heard that Chi Chi went to Xujia Shou station and workers representatives consultations, when decided on the issue of road work, Have to wait for the electricity bureau to resolve. Under the current emergency transport situation, workers should be considerate of the time limit and make every effort to maintain traffic. Before the Administration decided to adjust the treatment, it was their first attempt to match each of them with rice and 20 yuan each with a loan of $ 20 each.
美国为维持处于世界战斗机先进科技的前沿,设立了联合先进攻击机技术(Joint Advanced StrikeTechnology,JAST)计划,旨在开发21世纪的多用途战术战斗机,即JSF联合攻击战斗机
物理学是一门以实验为基础的科学。在教学中以实验教学为突破口,通过实验教学能够激发学生学习兴趣,为学生理解物理知识提供事实根据,使学生对物理现 Physics is an experim
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