
来源 :国外医学参考资料.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:p_pppoe
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鼻咽纤维血管瘤理想之手术途径是保证手术野的良好暴露、减少出血、避免功能障碍及并发症。著者的治疗经验如下:(1)明确诊断及了解肿物之准确部位,通过病史询问和物理检查,确定肿物发生于何侧。放射线检查包括造影、平片、颈动脉造影和断层相,颈动脉造影能显示肿物之血液供给及决定结扎何侧颈外动脉;(2)术前服乙烯雌酚,促使肿物变硬缩小,减少术中出血,每日5mg,共30天,有暂时性乳房增大及乳头色素沉着之副作用;(3)在病变侧施行颈外动脉暂时性结扎。采用经腭途径,若肿物侧向伸延,则选用颊腭联合途径,切口处注射含副肾素 An ideal surgical approach for nasopharyngeal fibroangioma is to ensure good exposure of the surgical field, reduce bleeding, avoid dysfunction and complications. The author’s treatment experience is as follows: (1) To confirm the diagnosis and to understand the precise location of the mass, and to determine the mass on which side of the mass occurred through medical history and physical examination. Radiographic examination includes angiography, plain film, carotid angiography, and tomographic imaging. The carotid artery angiography can show the blood supply of the tumor and determine the external carotid artery of the side where it is ligated; (2) Ethenoestradiol is administered before surgery to make the tumor harden and shrink. , reduce intraoperative bleeding, 5mg daily, a total of 30 days, there are temporary breast enlargement and papillary hyperpigmentation side effects; (3) in the lesion side of the external carotid artery temporary ligation. Using the transvaginal route, if the mass is laterally extended, the cheek-spasm approach is used, and the incision site is injected with pararenuin.
1957—1962年的病人共377例追综观察了十年,其中261例有病理学诊断:鳞状上皮癌者150例,腺癌者33例,燕麦细胞癌者63例。127例行开胸探查(38%),其中88例(26%)成功地作了切除手术。 From 1
1.隐居英雄1938年,苏联高加索地区的莱纳小镇上,有个叫切若夫的年轻人。他父亲彼得是退役的老红军,一心想让切若夫去自己的老战友,当地驻军司令伊万手下当兵。 1. seclusion
爱迪生生性非常的健忘。有一天他和新婚妻子坐火车到旧金山。下车时他按老习惯清点一下随身物品,然后走到出站口。检票员很 Edison was very forgetful. One day he and his
当今,投资理财、以钱生钱渐成风尚。然而,由于百姓理财经验的不足、或理财意识、自我保护意识的缺乏、或形形色色的投资陷阱,使不少家庭步入了理财误区。 误区之一,资产闲置