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美海军和空军制定了一项合作计划,欲将海军战斗群的告警与信号情报(SIGINT)能力扩展到超视距(OTH)范围,该计划本月将达到一个重要的里程碑.估计海军会同意其由空军增强的战斗群无源视距扩展系统(BGPHES)的全面生产倡议,此前已顺利完成了对系统的作战评估. The U.S. Navy and the Air Force have a co-operative plan to extend the capabilities of the Navy’s Combat Group’s alarm and signal intelligence (SIGINT) beyond the OTH range, which will reach an important milestone this month. Its comprehensive production initiative by the Air Force’s Enhanced Battle Group Persistence Group (BGPHES) has successfully completed its operational evaluation of the system.
  Normal axonal mitochondrial transport and function is essential for the maintenance of synaptic function by positioning mitochondria to their workplace; acc
宝宝的尿色时常会发生变化,有时是淡黄色,有时又变成深黄,有时突然出现白色的浑浊,有时则是暗红色的,该怎样识别呢——— The baby’s urine color often changes, sometime
A乳腺摩擦法。用左右手分别在乳腺摩擦36次为一回,共10回。乳腺与生殖系统关系密切,坚持进行乳腺摩擦,能增强肌肤表层的新陈代谢,防止肌肤衰老。 A breast friction method
  We report on a familial case of small 17p13.3 chromosomal deletion.Conventional karyotyping revealed a der(17) in a family.HumanCytoSNP-12 Chip analysis ide