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伴随着改革开放30年的巨变,中国行政管理体制改革取得了突破性进展。回顾前五次的政府机构改革,在精简机构、服务经济方面成绩显著,但却忽视了政府的社会管理与公共服务职能。“大部制”改革意在推动服务型政府的构建。中国的服务型政府建设中存在的主要问题有:同现代市场经济相适应的行政服务理念远未真正形成;政府公职人员的服务意识淡薄;公民参与制度不完善,公民自觉参与意识不强;缺乏相应的制度、法律的保障,存在制度短缺问题;服务型政府建设的理论不足。在加快中国特色服务型政府建设上,必须抓好以下工作要件,即:树立现代政府治理理念,提高政府公共管理的责任感;建立政府与公众之间的互动机制,实行政务公开化;着力解决关系人民群众切身利益的突出问题;建立和健全科学的行政责任制,以提高公务员公共服务的能力;建立广泛的政府绩效评估主体,形成以公共服务为取向的政府绩效评估体系;逐步建立与服务型政府相匹配的公共财政体制。 With the tremendous change in the past 30 years of reform and opening up, China’s administrative reform has made breakthrough progress. Recalling the first five reforms of government agencies, they have made remarkable achievements in streamlining their institutions and serving the economy but have neglected the government’s social management and public service functions. “Most system ” reform is intended to promote the construction of service-oriented government. The main problems in the construction of service-oriented government in China are: the concept of administrative service that is compatible with modern market economy is far from being formed; the public service personnel of government have weak service consciousness; the citizen participation system is imperfect; The corresponding system, the protection of the law, the existence of the problem of system shortage; service-oriented government building theory is not enough. In accelerating the construction of a service-oriented government with Chinese characteristics, the following work requirements must be met: establishing the concept of modern government governance and enhancing the sense of responsibility of public administration of the government; establishing an interactive mechanism between the government and the public; implementing the openness of government affairs; Establish and improve the scientific system of administrative responsibility in order to improve the ability of civil servants to provide public services; establish a wide range of government performance appraisal subjects and form a government performance evaluation system oriented by public service; and gradually establish a system of service-oriented The government matched the public financial system.