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电热温床可按作物生长需要的温度调节土温,我们采用的有人工控温和自动控温两种。一、人工控温电热温床床宽3.9尺,床长不等,一般3丈,床深1.2尺。床底铺3寸厚的麦秆做隔热层。麦秆滤水、不易腐烂、能保持适当的空隙,可以有效地防止热量向床坑底部散失。麦秆上铺8分厚的细砂做有线层,把电热线铺在砂上,然后再铺8分厚的细砂,电热线夹在两层砂子中间,砂子可以使热量传播均匀。在细砂上装4寸厚的床土,作育苗用(图1)。 Electric hotbed can be adjusted according to the temperature of crop growth temperature, we use manual temperature control and automatic temperature control two. First, artificial temperature electric hotbed width 3.9 feet, bed length range, generally 3 feet, bed depth 1.2 feet. 3 inches thick bed at the end of bedding made of wheat straw insulation. Straw strainer, non-perishable, to maintain proper clearance, can effectively prevent the loss of heat to the bottom of the bed. Wrapping straw 8 minutes thick sand do wired layer, the hotline shop in the sand, and then shop 8 minutes thick sand, sandwiched between two layers of sand, the sand can make the heat spread evenly. 4 inches thick bed soil in fine sand for seedling (Figure 1).