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2006年4月17日,是中国航空工业创建55周年纪念日。新中国成立不久,党和政府就把建设我国航空工业的议题及时提到重要日程。1950年12月,周恩来总理接连召开了两次会议,研究部署迅速建设我国航空工业。当时,建国伊始,百废待兴,朝鲜战争又在激烈进行,同时考虑到我国先有空军后筹建航空工业的实际情况,周总理指出,“中国航空工业建设的规模开始不能太大,要由小到大,由修理走向制造。”1951年4月,航空工业局正式组建(属重工业部),随即从空军接受飞机修理任务,揭开了新中国航空工业艰苦创业的序幕。在抗美援朝烽火中诞生的中国航空工业,在完成修理任务的前提下,加快向制造过渡,加紧制定了航空工业三至五年由修理走向制造的发展计划。随后,航空工业为完成计划采取了一系列重大步骤和措施。1954年和1956年,分别试制成功了活塞式教练机和喷气式歼击机,从此结束了中国人不能制造飞机的历史。55年来,虽然航空工业的发展也经历过坎坷曲折,但是,由于有国家的重视,有全国人民大力支持,有航空工业广大干部职工的辛勤劳动和科技人员的刻苦攻关,中国航空工业从无到有、从小到大,坚持走自力更生为主、积极引进国外先进技术的自主发展道路,不论在科研、生产、建设等各个方面都取得了巨大的成就,建立了一个具有相当规模和基础、配套比较齐全的科研、生产、教育相结合的航空工业体系,为我军提供了大批装备,为国民经济建设做出了重要贡献。特别是在“十五”期间,中国航空工业经历了一个前所未有的高速发展期,经济规模大幅度增长,航空研制能力取得了突破性进展,重点型号研制生产硕果累累,中国成为世界上少数几个能研制生产第三代战斗机的国家之一。这五年,自主创新成为航空工业加快发展的主题词,支线客机研制冲破瓶颈,非航空民用产品在市场竞争中呈现勃勃生机,改革不断向纵深发展。这一切,都为“十一五”航空工业快速发展奠定了坚实的基础。值此中国航空工业创建55周年之际,本刊围绕落实科学发展观,加强自主创新主题,重点报道了枭龙、猎鹰两种机型的研制成果及感人事迹,以此作为对我国航空工业的生日祝贺,同时,我们也衷心祝愿中国航空工业在自主创新的道路上越走越坚实! April 17, 2006 marks the 55th anniversary of the founding of China’s aviation industry. Soon after the founding of New China, the party and government put the issue of building China’s aviation industry promptly on an important agenda. In December 1950, Premier Zhou Enlai convened two meetings one after another to study and deploy the rapid construction of China’s aviation industry. At that time, at the beginning of the founding of the People Republic of China, everything was to be done and the Korean war was fierce. At the same time, taking into account the actual situation of China’s aviation industry after the establishment of the first air force, Premier Zhou pointed out: “The scale of China’s aviation industry should not start too large at first. From small to large, from repair to manufacturing. ”April 1951, the Aviation Industry Bureau was officially formed (Ministry of Heavy Industry), then accepted from the Air Force aircraft repair mission, opened a new Chinese aviation industry arduous pioneering. The Chinese aviation industry, which was born in the war against the United States and aid Korea, accelerated the transition to manufacturing under the premise of completing the repair task and stepped up the development plan for the aviation industry from repair to manufacturing within three to five years. Subsequently, the aviation industry took a series of major steps and measures to complete the plan. In 1954 and 1956, the successful trial of the piston trainer and jet fighter, from the end of the Chinese people can not manufacture the history of the aircraft. Over the past 55 years, though the aviation industry has also experienced ups and downs in its twists and turns, due to the importance attached by the country, the strong support of people across the country, the hard work of cadres and workers of the aviation industry and the hard work of scientists and technicians, We have made great achievements in all aspects such as scientific research, production and construction, and have established a large-scale infrastructure that is relatively large-scale and basic, supporting and comparing The complete aviation industrial system combining scientific research, production and education has provided a large batch of equipment to our army and made an important contribution to the national economic construction. Especially during the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period, China’s aviation industry has experienced an unprecedented period of rapid development. The scale of its economy has risen dramatically. Breakthroughs have been made in the capability of aviation research and development. Major types of research and development have achieved great successes. China has become the world’s few One of the countries that can develop and produce the third generation fighter aircraft. In the past five years, independent innovation has become the key word for accelerating the development of the aviation industry. Regional airliners have broken through the bottleneck. Non-aeronautic civilian products have shown tremendous vitality in market competition, and their reforms have been continuously developed in depth. All this has laid a solid foundation for the rapid development of the aviation industry in the 11th Five-Year Plan. On the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the founding of China’s aviation industry, the magazine focuses on implementing the scientific concept of development and strengthening the theme of independent innovation. It mainly reports on the achievements and touching stories of the two models of the Fierce Dragon and Falcons, Birthday greetings. At the same time, we also sincerely wish China’s aviation industry a solid foundation of independent innovation!
我是2000年1月任山东省肥城市市委常委、人武部政委的。近4年来的工作实践,我深切体会到要做一名合格的“军事常委”,必须努力发挥好“四个作用”。 发挥参谋作用,当好地方
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“喂,是阿妈吗?我是芳芝啊!” “哦,芳芝呀,你在哪里?” “我在家里给您打电话,您老身体还好吗?” “我可好着呐!你们怎么样?” “我们都好,这几天家家户户忙于贴春联、杀年