【摘 要】
Hematuria is one of the common clinical manifestations of urological diseases. Timely assessment of the source of hematuria, to determine its location, to determine its nature, to find the cause, to determine the treatment plan is particularly important. The following general hospital clinic in January 2007 to January 2008, due to gross hematuria treatment of 25 patients diagnosis and treatment as follows:
摘要:体育课并不是浪费时间,而是百利而无一害。它使学生全面了解自己的特点,同时加强学生的综合素质培养,从而促进学生健康成长。而教师应该顺应新时代的潮流,努力创新,做好学生人生道路的引路人。 关键词:体育教学作用 一次偶然的机会,我听到有的学生说了这样的话:“体育课一点也不好玩,还不如聊天、打瞌睡来得实在。”刹那间,我的心为之一震,心情无比沉重。我无法相信自己的耳朵,我认定这只是极少数人的无
Endothelium is a physiological barrier between the blood and vascular smooth muscle. The endothelium is a primary target for cardiovascular risk factors because
The 3rd South China Cardiovascular Scientific Sessions was held on August 4th ~ 6th, 2001 in Guangzhou.There were a total of 119 papers published, 13 lectures gi
1.Establishment of the Experimental Animal Models To study myocardial hibeating phenomenon, chronic occlusive multi -vessel coronary stenosis were made by plac
INTRODUCTIONLeft ventricular aneurysm and ischemic mitral regurgitation are two of most common complications of acute myocardial infarction (AMI).Combination of