The Effect of Aging on Erectile Function Induced by Apomorphine and Electric Field Stimulation to Ra

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Objective To explore the effect and mechanism of aging on erection by using rat model. Materials & Methods Forty male SD rats of 3, 9, 18 and 24 months old were divided into 4 groups equally according to their age. Apomorphine given subcutaneously and cavernous nerve electric field stimulation was used to induce erection of rats. Results The successful erection rate, number of erection times, and intracavernous pressure (ICP) in the rats of 18 and 24 month old was significantly lower than that of 3 and 9 month old. Conclusion The erectile function in aging rats is deteriorated. The damage mechanism with aging might be related to dopaminergic system in central nerves. Objective To explore the effect and mechanism of aging on erection by using rat model. Materials & Methods Forty male SD rats of 3, 9, 18 and 24 months old were divided into 4 groups equally according to their age. Apomorphine given subcutaneously and cavernous nerve electric field stimulation was used to induce erection of rats. Results The successful erection rate, number of erection times, and intracavernous pressure (ICP) in the rats of 18 and 24 month old was significantly lower than that of 3 and 9 month old. Conclusion The erectile function in aging rats is deteriorated. The damage mechanism with aging might be related to dopaminergic systems in central nerves.
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