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自2001年起,由我会主办的“全国绿色环保肥料新技术、新产品交流会”和“全国绿色环保农药新技术、新产品交流会”(简称“两会”),已分别成功举办了六届和四届。“两会”有力地促进了全国绿色环保肥料和农药产业发展,取得了显著的效果,赢得了业界的好评。第1~6届绿色环保肥料会议论文集,共刊登文章291篇,信息量高达208万字;第1~4届农药会议论文集,共刊登文章341篇,信息量高达213万字。在“两会”论文集中,投稿的专家、学者及科技工作者有1100多位,他们来自全国1000多家科研院所、大专院校和企事业单位,充分说明腐植酸在绿色环保肥料和农药产业开发应用中方兴未艾。现应广大读者的要求,将“两会”论文集目录中有关综述类、研究类、技术类和应用类部分,按每届会议先后次序,以文章标题、作者、会议序号、论文集页码等四要素一一列出,以方便广大读者浏览。对于论文集中,仅有标题、摘要、关键词,而无正文者未予辑录。本期“‘两会’动态”栏目,按文献检索方式通栏编排,故栏目次序置后。 Since 2001, the “National Green Fertilizer New Technology and New Products Exchange Conference” and the “National Green Pesticide New Technology and New Products Exchange Conference” (the “Two Conferences”), to be hosted by China, have successfully held six And the fourth. “Two sessions” effectively promoted the development of national green fertilizer and pesticide industry, and achieved remarkable results, winning the praise of the industry. The first to the 6th green environmental fertilizer conference Proceedings, a total of 291 articles published, the amount of information up to 2.08 million words; the first to the fourth pesticide conference proceedings, a total of 341 articles published, the amount of information up to 213 words. More than 1,100 experts, scholars and scientists and technologists have been submitted in the proceedings of the “Two Conferences”. They come from more than 1,000 research institutes, universities and enterprises in China. They fully demonstrate that humic acid can be used in green fertilizers and pesticide industries Development and application of the ascendant. At the request of the readers, the articles, review categories, technology categories and application categories in the catalogs of the “two sessions” are listed according to the order of each session, with the title of the article, the author, the conference serial number and the page number of the dissertation Elements listed one by one, in order to facilitate readers browse. For papers, only the title, abstract, keywords, without the text were not recorded. This issue “’two sessions’ dynamic” column, according to the literature search column layout, so the column order set.
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