Quantitative calculation for the dissipated energy of fault rock burst based on gradient-dependent p

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wumingshan2009
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The capacity of energy absorption by fault bands after rock burst was calculated quantitatively according to shear stress-shear deformation curves considering the interactions and interplaying among microstructures due to the heterogeneity of strain sof-tening rock materials. The post-peak stiffness of rock specimens subjected to direct shear was derived strictly based on gradient-dependent plasticity, which can not be obtained from the classical elastoplastic theory. Analytical solutions for the dissipated energyof rock burst were proposed whether the slope of the post-peak shear stress-shear deformation curve is positive or not. The analyticalsolutions show that shear stress level, confining pressure, shear strength, brittleness, strain rate and heterogeneity of rock materialshave important influence on the dissipated energy The larger value of the dissipated energy means that the capacity of energy dissi-pation in the form of shear bands is superior and a lower magnitude of rock burst is expected und The capacity of energy absorption by fault bands after rock burst was calculated quantitatively according to shear stress-shear deformation curves considering the interactions and interplaying among microstructures due to the heterogeneity of strain sof-tening rock materials. The post-peak stiffness of rock specimens to direct shear was derived strictly based on gradient-dependent plasticity, which can not be obtained from the classical elastoplastic theory. Analytical solutions for the dissipated energy of rock burst were proposed whether the slope of the post-peak shear stress-shear deformation curve is positive or not. The analyticalsolutions show that shear stress level, confining pressure, shear strength, brittleness, strain rate and heterogeneity of rock materialshave important influence on the dissipated energy The larger value of the dissipated energy means that the capacity of energy dissi-pation in the form of shear bands is superior and a lower magnitude of rock bur st is expected und
【关键词】免学费;中职生;幸福感  我国从2012年秋季学期开始,实施农村免费中等职业教育,将中等职业教育免学费政策范围扩大到所有农村学生、城市涉农专业学生和家庭经济困难学生。出台这项政策,主要是基于四方面考虑:一是支持农村发展,提高农村劳动者素质;二是重视职业教育,进一步增强职业教育吸引力;三是促进教育公平,减轻农村学生经济负担。四是进一步加快普及我国高中阶段教育。在这一政策背景下,笔者以梅州市
德育教育是中职教育的重要组成部分,在妇产科护理教学中,渗透德育教育,使学生在获得专业知识的同时,提高职业道德素养,培养既有专业技能,又有良好职业道德护理人才。 Moral
摘 要 目前高职院校的人才培养现状不容乐观,需要不断优化高职院校的人才培养模式。本文分析了高职院校的人才培养现状,并提出了优化的措施。  【关键词】人才培养;高职院校;实践  培养高职人才是高职院校教育的根本所在,尤其是从我国的整体状况来看,我国具有实用性强的高等技能人才相对短缺,高职院校必须找准时机,合理规划人才培养的目标体系,为社会培养出更多的高等技能人才。但是目前高职院校的人才培养现状并不是
摘 要:本文主要以职业类院校为基础,通过对校园家和文化内涵进行系统深入的研究,明确在职业类院校开展家和文化的重要意义,并通过问卷调查等方式了解目前高职类院校师生对校园家和文化的理解,找出建立校园家和文化存在的壁垒,寻求高职类院校开展家和文化育人的重要途径。笔者通过对本课题的研究和探索,使其与山东城市建设职业学院四位一体传统文化教育建设相并轨,以期为山东城市建设职业学院家和文化教育做好研究工作。  