The Influence of Macro and Micro Contexts on Teaching and Learning in the Classroom

来源 :海外英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luck_mike
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This paper is based on three observations and independent thinking of the classroom teaching of the author’s colleagues.It attempts to examine how macro and micro contexts affect teaching and learning in the classroom.The author focuses the discussion on three aspects:(i)the present EFL contextual setting in China;(ii)the influence of the evaluation system on both teachers and students;(iii)his own beliefs as a teacher.Finally,he comes to the implications that teachers should often reflect on their teaching by means of observing other teachers’teachings;In order to bring more effective teaching and learning to the class,Teachers should change their class from a teacher-centered one to a students-centered one. This paper is based on three observations and independent thinking of the classroom teaching of the author’s colleagues. It attempts to examine how macro and micro contexts affect teaching and learning in the classroom. Author: the discussion on three aspects: (i) the present EFI contextual setting in China; (ii) the influence of the evaluation system on both teachers and students; (iii) his own beliefs as a teacher. Finally, he comes to the implications that teachers should often reflect on their teaching by means of observing other teachers’teachings; In order to bring more effective teaching and learning to the class, Teachers should change their class from a teacher-centered one to a students-centered one.
【正】 十九世纪——法国大革命推翻了封建君主制。拿破仑深知戏剧的宣传作用,执政后对戏剧很重视。他先于1802年决定为法兰西喜剧院恢复政府津贴和原有的各种特权;称帝后又
幻觉症是指以各种类型的幻觉在意识清晰的背景上结合在一起成为临床的突出表现。本院收治因长途乘车而引起的幻觉症二例,未见文献报道,现报告如下: 例1:刘某,男,26岁,已婚,于