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2007年2月26日,自治区党委陈建国书记在县委书记县长专题学习班上强调:“要像孝敬父母一样服务百姓。”2月28日自治区党委教育工委书记、教育厅厅长蔡国英同志就全区教育系统学习贯彻陈建国书记讲话要求,作出批示:“请机关党委会同办公室研究。建国书记的要求我们要深刻学习领会,在全区教育系统开展一次中小学生‘孝敬父母月’活动。结合开展素质教育和中小学生德育、大学生思想政治教育工作,提出具体的实施方案,在教育局长学习班上讨论后在全区大力开展。具体做法:提倡每个大学生给父母写一封信,中小学生给父母洗一次头(脚)等‘几个一’活动。当否,请认真研究,尽速抓好落实。”3月26日蔡国英厅长再次批示:“这是自治区党委贯彻落实胡锦涛总书记关于“八荣八耻”的重要指示精神,践行社会主义荣辱观,弘扬中华民族传统美德的重大举措;是对全区各级党员干部立党为公、执政为民的具体要求;也是对我们深入开展中小学生德育和大学生思想政治教育工作,大力推进素质教育,培养造就社会主义事业合格建设者和接班人的要求。”据此,教育厅有关处室认真调研,制定活动方案,在全区教育系统领导干部读书班上广泛征求了意见,自治区党委教育工委、教育厅决定:从2007年起,确定每年5月为全区学生“孝敬父母月”,以“孝敬父母、学会感恩、立志成才、报效祖国”为主题,在全区教育系统和各级各类学校开展“孝敬父母月”“九个一”活动。4月18日在宁夏特殊教育学校,教育厅直属学校举行了开展“孝敬父母月”活动启动仪式。4月29日在人民广场,自治区党委教育工委、教育厅、区团委、区妇联联合主办,自治区党委教育工委书记、教育厅厅长蔡国英主持了全区各级各类学校“孝敬父母月”活动大型启动仪式,推动“孝敬父母月”活动的全面展开。2007年5月,以“孝敬父母、学会感恩、立志成才、报效祖国”为教育主题,自治区教育工委和教育厅率先在全国启动了“孝敬父母月”教育活动。这充分展示了我区教育系统扎扎实实、认认真真的工作状态和时不我待、只争朝夕的精神风貌及求真务实、与时俱进的科学态度。本刊全程跟踪报道这项活动,特辑“本期话题”以飨读者。 On February 26, 2007, Chen Jianguo, secretary of the party committee of the autonomous region, stressed to the county party secretary county special subject class that “people should serve the people like honoring their parents.” February 28 Comrade Cai Guoying, secretary of the Education Committee and Education Department of the autonomous region The education system in the region has studied and implemented the requirements of Secretary-General Chen Jianguo’s speech and made the instructions: “Please study with the party committees and offices of the government.” The secretary of the PRC’s foundation requires us to profoundly study and understand the activities carried out by primary and secondary school students’ filial parents in the education system in the region. Quality education and primary and secondary school moral education, ideological and political education of college students, put forward specific implementation plan, in the Secretary for Education seminar vigorously in the region to do. Specific approach: to promote each college student to write a letter to parents, students give Parents wash head (feet) and other ’a few activities’ .No, please seriously study, as soon as possible to do a good job.’ March 26 Director Cai Guoying once again instructed: ’This is the regional party committee to implement General Secretary Hu Jintao on’ Eight honors and eight disgraces, “the important instructions, practice the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, carry forward the Chinese nation a great example of the traditional virtues ; It is a concrete requirement for party members and cadres at all levels in the entire district to serve the interests of the public and govern for the people. It is also a concrete requirement for us to carry out the moral education for middle and primary school students and the ideological and political education for college students, vigorously promote quality education, cultivate qualified builders for socialist cause, Successor requirements. ”Accordingly, the Office of Education Department seriously study and formulate programs of activities in the region’s education system leading cadres reading class widely solicited opinions from the autonomous region Party Committee of Education, Department of Education decision: starting from 2007 , To determine May each year for the region students “honor their parents month”, “to honor their parents, learn gratitude, determined to become talent, serve the motherland” as the theme, in the region’s education system and all levels of schools to carry out “honor their parents month” “ Nine one ”activity. On April 18, the launching ceremony of “Respecting Parents and Months” was held in the schools directly under Ningxia Special Education School and Education Department. On April 29, at the People’s Square and the Autonomous Region Party Committee, Education Commission, Education Department, Youth League Committee and District Women’s Federation, the State Education Committee and Education Department Director Cai Guoying chaired the “Respect Parents and Months” “Large-scale launching ceremony of activities to promote” honor their parents month “activities in full swing. In May 2007, with the theme of ”honoring their parents, learning to be grateful, determined to be successful and serving the motherland“, the Education Commission and the Department of Education of the autonomous region took the lead in launching the education campaign of ”honor their parents and months“ throughout the country. This fully demonstrates the solid and conscientious state of work in our education system and the scientific attitude of seeking truth and being pragmatic and keeping pace with the times. The full coverage of this article coverage of this event, special issue of ”current topic" to readers.
近年来,我们采用大剂量维脑路通颈动脉灌注液(Cavotialcarotielpenfasate 简称灌注液)治疗35例缺血性脑卒中进展期,疗效显著,现将体会报告如下: In recent years, we use l
多年来,语文同仁在如何提高学生写作能力方面,积累了丰富的经验,真可谓百花齐放。经过多年的嘗试,我在作文教学中,对学生进行发散思维的培养和训练,也收到了明显的效果,我的做法有以下三个方面,愿与同仁商榷。  一.把握作文材料,调动发散思维  作文课上,我坚持列出一些作文题目,对学生进行命题、立意、列提纲训练。即:先让学生围绕命题进行多角度、多侧面的立意,然后将每个立意下的提纲列出来。最后让学生将自己的
80年代后中苏学者相继开展光量子疗法(Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation,UBI)于临床,而对紫外线影响人体染色体的研究甚少,本文应用细胞周期阻断法(Cytokinesis-block method)